Chapter 4. Beside you

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    I woke up to the smell of bacon. I turned over and saw Luke still sleeping. I brushed a piece of his hair out of his face, and his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning gorgeous" he said planting a kiss on my forehead "morning" "i'll be right back i have to take a wee" he said "Luke!" I said laughing "to much information".

   As Luke went to the bathroom i walked down the stairs and saw Ashton cooking bacon. "Hey Ash" "hey Chloe, how did you sleep?" He said smirking "haha your very funny Ash, but i slept well" "Where are the boys?" i asked "playing FIFA in the game room, i'm not really a FIFA person." He said letting out a little giggle. Just then Micheal and Calum came down stairs. "You're very lucky Ashton's cooking breakfast" said Micheal, i looked at him curiously. "We usually live off things fans give us, such as cupcakes" Calum added. Luke came downstairs and we all ate our breakfast.

    "Well what are we going to be doing today?" "Well we have to go to the studio today to start rehearsing for the next show, but you can come along if you want" Luke replied. "Only if you guys want me to come, i don't want to intrude", i didn't want to seem like a really clingy girlfriend. "No, come it'll be fun" said Micheal.

    I smiled, grabbed Luke's hand and brought us back to his room. I started going through my bag to find out what i was going to wear. As i was going through it Luke came up behind me grabbing my waist.

   "Whatcha lookin for?" I could feel his hot breath against my skin." I don't know what to wear" i said making my best pouty face. He kissed my cheek "Here, let me see what i can find" he said and winked. He told me to close my eyes as he laid pieces of clothing in my hands. He led me to bathroom and i closed the door behind me.

   I opened my eyes and he actually had a good taste in girls clothes. I put on the white Greenday crop top i had bought before the concert, black ripped skinny jeans and galaxy vans. I walked out and Luke was standing outside on his phone, no doubt on twitter.

  He looked up and coughed in that cute nervous way "You look uh.. um.. stunning" he said looking me up and down. "Thanks" i said blushing and kissed his nose.


     We walked down hand in hand and climbed into a black van. When we arrived at the studio it wasn't much of a studio it was the stadium where i had seen them play. "This is definatly not the studio" i looked at Luke "Eh, we call it the studio" said Ashton as we hopped out of th van.

    I followed the boys backstage where we saw One Direction. "Look who's late again" laughed Harry and pulled Luke into a bro hug. Luke introduced me to all the boys and they complemented my greenday shirt. Luke grabbed both my hands "The boys and I are going to practice first and after we're done we can go get something to eat, ok?" "Perfect" i said he kissed me and left to go on stage.

     I wanted to watch so i walked over to the seats Mal and I were sitting in just a few days ago and sat down. This time the boys were singing diffrent songs. They played Mrs. All American, End up Here, heartbreak girl, social casualty, and oh course she looks so prefect.

      The 1D boys came out and Luke and the guys stayed on stage. I was so confused. Luke motioned me to stand at the end of the walk way somewhat torwards the middle. Luke started singing followed by Harry and Zayn. They were all singing She's Not Afraid.

    Luke looked at me while he was playing and it was absolutly beautiful. When it ended i started crying, no one has ever done that for me. I ran up stage, ran up to Luke and hugged him.

   "That was amazing" i said half way through sobs. "All of us decided to do something to show you how much i care about you." I hugged him again . "Thats enough you love birds we have children" Louis said looking towards Liam. "What me? Hey i'm daddy direction here" Liam arggued. We all laughed and the boys and I left the stage to let Louis and them practice.

    "Ready to go eat?" asked Luke, i nodded and we walked towards a random resturant. Luke ordered the steak, Calum ordered burritos, Ashton ordered tacos, and Mikey of course ordered pizza. I ordered the hamburger with fries.

    "So Chloe i forgot to ask you if you could sing?" Asked Micheal "I sing a little but i don't know if i'm actually good or not." "Well.." he said smirking "I guess we're going to have to find out". I looked down at my plate and then to Luke he was looking at me smiling.

    "Yea, who's your favorite singer?" Calum asked "Ariana Grande totally! She's like.. my biggest inspiration" "Funny you said that" said Luke. Wait what.

   He pulled out his phone and dialled a number. "Hey Ariana" he started, was he serious?! He hung up the phone and looked at me grinning. "Luke!" I said punching his arm he laughed and poked me in my tickelish spots. "What? She's going to be here in a week and she wants to meet you." My jaw dropped. "Its getting late we should probably get home" he said kissing my cheek. My jaw was still wide open.


     Hey guys could you guys please vote for this book. Im trying to make the chapters longer which will take a day more to post plus... I GOT A NEW TWITTER. If you want my twitter comment and i'll be happy to give it to you! Thank you for reading ily!❤

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