Chapter 12. Knocked up, Who's there?

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   After A nice afternoon with Daryl and Karen it was time for Michael and I to head back. "Thank you for the lovley dinner Mr. And Mrs. Clifford"  i said walking hand in hand with Michael, out the door.

   "Chloe.." said Michael "yes?" "The boys and I need to talk to you when we get back to the hotel.." "And by boys you mean..."  I was hoping Luke wasn't going to come up or be appart of the conversation. "Calum, Ashton, Louis, Niall, Harry and I" Replied Michael. He seemed nervous about whatever it was he was going to tell me. "Yea ok" i said smiling as he took my hand in his.

   When we got back to the hotel everyone was there, besides Luke. "Ok"  said sitting on the couch "what is it?".

   "We wanted to talk to you about Luke.." started Louis "He's been having trouble" said Calum. "What do you mean trouble?".

    Ashton got to the point. "Before Luke met you, he was a drug addict and a major alcoholic. When you and Michael started going out he took it rough. He went to the bar, he's been there for about 6 hours. When Harry went to go check on him there was a girl sitting on his lap.." I looked at Harry and back to Louis then to Michael and then back to Ashton.

   "W-Who's the girl?" I asked trying to hold back tears. I still love Luke. "His Ex" answered Michael.

   "Oh" was all i could make out. "We just thought we should tell you that he is in a bad place right now" Niall said looking at me with sympathy. "Thanks" i said forming the best smile i could, and walked out the room.

   I walked to Michael's room hoping he would follow, and of course he did.

    "You are going to Ariana's show tonight. Yes?" He asked closing the door behind him "Duh" i said giggling, still trying to hold back the tears. "Good" he wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his chin on the shoulder. "I love you" i said "i love you" he said back.


   Ariana's show was a few hours away but we had to get there early to take pictures with the fans. I didn't feel like dressing up so i wore grey leggings, a black crop top, white converse and put my hir in a messy bun. The leggings are always Michael's favorite.

   Michael wore a Rolling Stones shirt with tight ripped black jeans.  "The leggings" he said smirking at me when he walked into my room. I blushed at the commment and ran up to give him a kiss. "Catch me" i laughed jumping onto him.

   He of course caught me and wrapped his arms under my bum giving it a squeeze. I slapped his arm, "Are you ready princess?" He asked "Yes my prince"

   The rumor going around was that Ariana was having a special guest. Most likley it will be  'One Direction' and no offense but im looking for a change in music.

   We arrived at the meet and greet area and got inside, ready to meet the fans. Some of the girls have 5sos shirts on and some have Ariana ones so it was easy to tell which ones would be more likley to hate me.

   The meet and greet was going good until Luke stormed in. The fans went crazy but some went quite, waiting for what he would do next.

   He was obviously drunk. "Excuse me" i said as Ariana and I were taking pictures with a fan. I grabbed ahold of Lukes arm, pulling him out of the room. Michael gave me a look but i ignored it.

   "What the hell are you doing here drunk!" I yelled "This is my meet and greet not yours!" He shot back "I know that! But dont you think your fans want a sober Luke?!" "I thought you liked the drunk me best" he smirked. "Stop" i said serious now "I'm not gonna let you go out there" "GOD DAMN CHLOE!" I had never seen Luke like this "Will you get the fuck out of my way!"

   Just then someone walked into the room. "Lukie, whats wrong" said the stranger "bloody hell" he whispered to himself, im guessing he picked that up from Harry. "Grace! Please leave!" He demanded.

   Then Michael walked in he stood frozen staring at this "Grace" girl. "You aren't seriously seeing Grace again are you?!" Michael half laughed half yelled. "Its complicated" Luke mumbled "Who is this thing" i asked pointing at Grace. She wasn't dressed like a normal human would be dressed when they're out and about. Her outfit was like that of a strippers.

   "This is the girl Luke dated before you.." Michael gulped "She was the one sitting on his lap at the bar" he finished.

  I looked at Luke and he looked at me. "What, now you have people spying on me!" He yelled. I didnt wanna be in the same room with these people anymore so i went to go find Louis.


   I saw Louis sitting on one of the couches back stage. " What's up buttercup?" He asked gesturing for me to sit down. "Luke..Michael..Grace" i said frustrated. "Oh, so you've met the wicked witch of the east" he said rolling his eyes "Dont you mean west?" "No, she lives in New York" he replied giving me his best grin. I couldn't help but laugh.

   After talking to Louis for and hour and a half the show started. Just before, Ariana passed out glowing cat ears to everyone backstage. She placed them on my head "There you go love" she said giving me a quick hug before leaving.

   When the music for Love Me Harder I saw a familiar face pass by. Was that.. Justin?! I started freaking out.

    When the show was over i was 99.9% sure that i was sane now, that was until he walked over to me. "Are you Chloe?" He asked pointing at me and smirking. "Yea" i giggled "thats me". "Ariana talks about you alot, but when he said you were gorgeous i didnt expect you to be this gorgeous" he said laughing uncomfortably. "Thanks?" I said suprisingly wanting this conversation to be over.

   Just then i saw Michael across the room and smiled. He smiled back and started walking over to me. Thank you. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put me up over his shoulder. "MICHAEL! Put me down" i said giggling "As you wish" he said plopping me right down on the couch. "Your mine" he whispered in my ear, "forever and always" i said back.

   Michael helped me up and held my hand as we walked back towards Justin.

  My stomach started hurting so i decided to go to the bathroom. When i got in there i threw up. Im not sick, at least i dont think i am, i didnt feel any diffrent when i woke up this morning. Then Grace walked in.

   "Oh Chloe you're still here, good so an-" she stopped mid-sentence, "Are you ok?" "Yeah i'm fine, just a little sick i guess" i replied with a fake smile. "Your not pregnant are you..?" She asked "Pregnant! Wha- of course im not pregnant!" I said harsher than intended. "Oh sorry" she said and rushed out the bathroom.

   I can't be pregnant.. can I?

Hello loves! Thank you for some of the feedback i've been getting its so encouraging to read it!❤ and dont forget to vote my lovelys!


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