Chapter 2. Sweet as honey

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As I was driving Mal and I back to the hotel i noticed that i was going a little bit over the speed limit. "Slow down speed racer" Mal said, "Sorry" I replied and turned into the hotel parking lot. We walked up to our rooms and laid down on the beds. "So.. tell me everything" Mal demanded "Well I met all the boys and Luke said he wanted to see me again." "See you again! Chloe do you not relize how big of a deal that is?!". I knew it was a big deal but I didn't think i'd ever get the chnce to see him again. "I know" i said and sighed, just then I got a text from Luke.

Luke: Hey gorgeous!

Hm gorgeous?

Chloe: Hey :)
Luke: So when am I going to see you again? I meant what i said.
Chloe: Idk, I want to see you sooo badly 😢
Luke: We maybe you can 😋what hotel are you staying at?
Chloe: The Holiday Inn I think
Luke: So are we, give me you room number and i'll stop by ❤

I gave Luke the number of our room and waited for him to knock. As we waited Mal said she would leave to go find the One Direction boys hotel so she could find Louis.

There was a knock and the door, I looked through the little hole at the top of the door. Luke. I opened the door but I didn't even have time to say anything. He ran in, picked me up and spun me around. "Luke!" "Hey babe, where's your friend" he asked. "Out trying to find Louis" we looked at each other and laughed "So you didn't even mention to tell her that they're staying in this hotel?!" He said while laughing "She'll find out sooner or later" I said with a wink "Lets hope later" he said and smirked. I blushed.

"Want to watch a movie back in my room? The boys are gone and won't be back for awhile.." he said, i thought about it and decided to go.

As I walked in the room i noticed it was actually quite clean. "Wow you guys a definatley clean" "What expecting a pigsty?" He said planting a kiss on my cheek.

We walked over to Luke's room and decided to watch the One Direction movie. "Where'd you find this?" He asked "Knowing Mal, i knew she would bring something that would get her over her PCD ( FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW PCD STANDS FOR POST CONCERT DEPRESSION).

We put the movie in and every song i sang along and luke just smiled at me. During the movie I noticed Luke staring at me. I wasn't close to Luke on the bed. I had my legs crossed and a bowl of popcorn in between them, while Luke was laying down a few inches next to me. As he was staring at me I turned to look at him but he looked straight up as if he wasn't staring.

I moved the popcorn to the floor and jumped onto Luke scaring him "Chloe!!" He said startled I just laughed and laughed at him. I stared at him he stared at me and he pulled me in closer we cuddled throughout the movie then Little Things can on. This was my favorite song. As the song started to play Luke put his mouth to my ear.

You're hand fits in mine like its made just for me and with this he took my hand into his as he continued.. But bare this in mind it was meant to be. He was whispering the lyrics in my ear. As the song played he sang every single lyric to it. When the song was over I started crying. "Tears of happiness i hope" he said wiping one from my eye I nodded and he gave me a hug "I dont want to let go" i whispered "Then don't".

Luke and I laid there with my hands hanging onto his neck and his holding my waist. I needed to get back to my room before Mal came back, i told Luke i needed to go but he kept giving me the pouty face. We were walking towards the door, I opened it but it was quickly shut.

Luke put me against the door and kissed me. This wasn't like any other kiss i've had. Luke's kiss was soft and passionate. I leaned back and looked at his face admiring his blue eyes. He kissed my forehead and told me goodnight. As I arrived back at my room nobody was there, I hopped in bed and hummed Little Things in my head till I quickly started to fall asleep.

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