Chapter 14.

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   Michael and I didn't speak for the rest of the night. I wanted to tell Michael that he was the only one for me, but I couldn't deny my feelings for Luke. I don't quite know though if Michael and I are over. But hopefully he will understand.

*Next Morning*
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I opened my eyes and there was breakfast on a platter with a note next to it.
I over reacted last night. I understand that it'll take time for you to lose your romantic feelings toward Luke. You're the most beautiful girl in the world, and I beg you to forgive me for the things I said last night. I miss you. I'm over in Ariana's room working on a collaboration. Please stop by. -Michael

I smiled at the note, put it down, and ate my breakfast. I put my makeup on and wore my black ripped jeans with my baby pink shirt. As I was walking over to Ariana's place I was contemplating if I should stop by Luke's room or not. But just as I was about to vote against it, a girl around 16 years old, rushed out of Luke's room with nothing on but a white button up. Classy.
   Once the girl was out of sight I knocked on his door. He answered and not even a second went by. He wasn't wearing a shirt and he had on plaid boxers. "Can we talk?" I asked him, hoping he would say yes. "Idk Chlo its not the best time..." He said trailing off. I looked into his eyes and they were blood shot red. "Are you high?" I half yelled half whispered. He sighed, " Maybe, this morning was a little rough, I had to take the edge off" he didn't look to pleased with himself saying that out loud. "You saw her leaving my room didn't you?" He asked not meeting his eyes with mine. "Yeah, but that's not why I'm here" he didn't believe me, "Just be honest Chloe" he said looking in my eyes. "I just... Wanna know why she was in here" I hated saying that, I didn't want him to know I cared. "I got a little to 'lit' last night and she was laying on my bed. We were both drunk and things just happened." "Oh ok" I said "that's all I wanted to know" and with that I walked away from him and was on my way to see Michael.

Michael was where he said he'd be, and i knew I had to tell him about the baby. But something was holding me back. Last night when I had lied about the test being negative his first word was "Good..." I don't want this baby to draw us apart, when it's supposed to bring us together.

"Hey sleeping beauty!" He said, setting his headphones down and stepping out of the pop up recording studio they put together. "Hey" was all I muster. "Are you feeling okay? Did you read my note?" He asked "Yeah Michael it was great, but we REALLY need to talk." He grabbed my hand in his and led us out into the hallway. I'm very bad with words to say the least, so I just went for it "Michael I'm pregnant." By his facial expressions, i could tell this was a shocker. "We only had sex once, are you absolutely sure it's mine?" "Are you kidding? Who else would be the father?" I was screaming now, "I don't know, Luke perhaps?" He said as a matter of factly. "Michael, you were my first time and only time. There's no way it is Luke's" He sighed in relief "Wow, then it really is my baby!" He was smiling from ear to ear now. Michael ran into the room, interrupting their recording session and shouted "IM HAVING A BABY!!" at the top of his lungs. And in that moment I realized this was the man I wanted to be the father of many more of my children.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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