Chapter Eleven

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Firey pulled out his phone and declined the call once again.

Snowball was watching him, one of his eyebrows raised in question. "Are you not going to answer it?"

Firey shook his head in response. He didn't feel like it. She was probably calling just to argue again.

Snowball shrugged. "Your call dude. It sounds urgent, though."

"Maybe," Firey replied tiredly.

After he realized Leafy had stopped calling, he shoved his phone back into his pocket. It was then he noticed that some of the customers were giving him strange looks. He made eye contact with Gelatin, who snickered and looked away.

Firey furrowed his brows. That was suspicious. "What's with the strange looks people are giving me?"

Snowball looked into the crowd of patrons. "I have no clue," the whitehaired boy explained. "I didn't even realize people were looking at you until now."

Ruby walked out of the store with Ice Cube. As they passed the two security guards, Ruby giggled, "Nice job, Firey."

"That's it!" Firey grabbed Ruby by the shoulder and spun her around. Her obsidian eyes immediately clouded with fear. "What's this all about? The staring, and the whispers and shit?"

Ice Cube jumped into the conversation. "Don't scare her Firey," she pleaded. "It's just, everyone at the party saw you all over Match. And we mean all over."

Ruby and Ice Cube made brief eye contact with each other before looking back at Firey.

The ginger, in response, let go of Ruby.

"In a sexual sense?"

Ruby paled. "I mean, it looked like it."

He instantaneously and clearly remembered when Match called him touchy. Things started to make sense now.

"Describe it," he commanded them.

Icy looked ready to jump out of her shoes. "Well, I mean you were touching her, it looked like you were kissing her neck or something, and then she dragged you over to a bedroom." Her voice was shaky and weak.

Firey pinched the bridge of his nose and screwed his eyes shut. He waved his hand towards the girls in a form of dismissal. "Okay, thanks. Go away now."

He heard their feet hurriedly shuffling away. He felt a little bad for scaring them. But his life right now just seemed to be one problem after another.

"Real subtle," Snowball's voice mumbled.

After a solid minute, Firey looked up at his coworker. "No way I cheated on Leafy. I wouldn't do that man. If there's one thing I am, I'm fucking loyal."

Snowball looked deep in thought. "Yeah, I agree with you. You would never do that. Do you remember what happened?"

Firey thought. "No, not really."

"Yeah, I thought so," Snowball replied. "You were drunk as hell."

Firey rolled his eyes. "It sure felt like it. That hangover was the worst."

Snowball seemed to still be thinking. The white haired boy placed his index finger on his lips for a moment before speaking again. "While I didn't see you very much, I never actually saw you with Match," he recalled. "And towards the end of the party, I saw Match quite frequently, but I didn't see you at all."

Firey nodded. "A bunch of people may have misinterpreted the situation. Now these nasty rumors are flying around." The ginger sighed in defeat.

"I guess you'll have to find out a way to disprove them," Snowball explained. "Match probably doesn't know about the rumors yet. Hell, I heard them just now."

"I woke up in a bedroom," Firey stated. "When I woke up, she called me touchy."

Snowball's eyes widened in shock. "Well, that changes everything. Even though you're the loyal type you were very, very drunk, man."

Firey paused. "So it is also entirely possible that people actually saw correctly and I was actually cheating."

Snowball pressed his lips together. "Although I don't like it either, it's plausible that that's exactly what happened."

Firey rubbed his temples before sighing once again. "I just hope Leafy doesn't hear about this."

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