Chapter Fourteen

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"What is wrong with you, man?" Snowball pressed his palm against his eye, clearly stressed out. "You need to tell her the whole truth."

"I don't want her to find out about it though," Firey protested.

"It doesn't matter," Coiny interjected. "She has the right to know. She's your girlfriend!"

"This is so stupid," the white haired boy muttered under his breath. He flopped onto the navy blue couch. "Normally I'm the wayward one, and somehow I'm the one trying to talk sense into you."

After Leafy went to work, Firey met up with Coiny and Snowball at the former's apartment. At first, the discussion was casual.

Then, Snowball asked about what Leafy said to the rumors. When Firey said he didn't tell her, both of his friends jumped on him like wolves. He felt like a toddler getting scolded by his parents. It was pressing.

The copperhead crossed his arms and let out a breath. "Pin and I were on rough terms at first, but the only reason why we're together is because we're honest. No secrets."

"You need to tell her the whole truth, man." Snowball looked genuinely disappointed. "You're a great guy, Firey. Right now, though, you aren't."

"Damn, that was cold." Coiny uncrossed his arms and looked at Snowball. The whitehaired boy shrugged, and Coiny turned back to look at Firey. He poked Firey in the forehead. "But he's right, dude. You're not thinking straight, and you need to access the smart part of that big ol' head of yours."

"You also lost her cat," Snowball interrupted. Firey wasn't sure if his expression was smug or concerned.

"That too," agreed Coiny. "Anyways, you're too scared of consequences and you have to learn to accept them, rather than delay them. That just makes it worse."

The apartment door unlocked, and Pin entered. All three boys turned and stared at her.

The girl stared back for a moment before speaking. "You guys are creepy."

"Hi, honey...!" Coiny looked legitimately surprised to see his girlfriend. "We were talking about Firey's problems."

"Subtle," Snowball mumbled.

Pin's eyes widened. "Well don't let me interrupt you."

The redhead made eye contact with Firey, and for a brief moment, he saw something flicker within her eyes.


Pin cleared her throat. "You find the cat yet?"

"No," Firey answered bashfully. "Not yet."

"I hope you find him," Pin said, her voice suspiciously flat. She turned to look at Coiny, who looked back at her with an identical expression.

"You guys need to leave," Coiny said, not entirely paying attention. "For like, reasons."

Snowball's lips curved into a knowing smirk.

Firey looked at his coworker, not understanding. "Why?" he asked. By the time the word left his mouth, it clicked, and he felt incredibly stupid.

"Dude, just let them have sex," Snowball groaned and facepalmed.

Coiny looked mortified. Pin was grinning from ear to ear.

"We'll take our leave then," Firey said, his face breaking into a toothy smile.

The two security guards rushed out of the apartment. Coiny closed the door behind them.

Snowball and Firey laughed after hearing the door lock click. The two boys walked out the building, their hands clenched within the pockets of their jackets.

"But seriously," Snowball's smile faltered. "Tell her, alright? Text me if you need me."

Firey shivered through the breeze. "Yeah, yeah. I'll let you know how it goes."

Snowball gave a curt nod. Firey wondered how the hell he wasn't cold.

"Good," he said. He turned around and departed. As he left he called out behind him, "I'll see you around, Firey."

"See ya," Firey called back, and turned back in the direction of his and Leafy's shared apartment. He was going to be ready to tell her when she got home.

Once again, all of his preparation slipped through his fingers like sand.

Because when he returned home, he saw Leafy sitting on the couch, hugging his pillow. Leafy, who was supposed to be at work.

"Why are you here?" Firey asked without thinking.

"I came home early," she replied, not offering further explanation.

"Leafy-" he started, but was cut off by her interruption.

"Let me go first." She stood up. "I'm sorry."

Firey was puzzled. His face must have reflected it, because she quickly clarified.

"I'm sorry for not letting you in," she explained meekly. "I'm sorry for not giving you the attention and affection you deserve. I promise to let you in from now on. I'll change. I'm so sorry, Firey."

Firey closed his eyes and took a deep breath, processing what she said. This is what he wanted. He wanted resolution, love without conflict, and mutual understanding.

But all he felt was despair.

He knew that when he told her what might have happened between him and Match, their relationship would crumble around them. It was here where everything was supposed to be okay. He wanted everything to be okay. But he made a mistake he couldn't fix, and he had to deal with the consequences. She had the right to know.

In a moment where everything between them should have been love and hope, he crushed her with his own hands once again. He opened his eyes and confessed.

"I might have slept with Match at the party."

Leafy, who's expression was originally full of hope, transformed into one packed with devastation.

"I was too late?" Her voice was small. Tears had begun to spill from her emerald eyes, making them glimmer like jewels. "I wasn't enough?"

His heart wrenched within his chest. He never knew the extent of her depression. He dove forward to pull her to his chest, but she shoved him back.

"Get away from me Firey," she hissed.

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