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Everything was good.

They just bought a house.

He now comes home from work and talks about his day. She tells him everything that's on her mind, and he does the same.

Firey smiles at Leafy, who's crouched on the floor, pulling a string for Smokey to pounce on.

They had just purchased a house.

It wasn't a house with a white picket fence you see in the movies, with a big lawn and a garden. This was just a house. But it was theirs.

Leafy looked up at him and smiled. Firey is so lucky she loves him, and he could swear he loves her more than he could ever know.

He's glad they both changed for the better to be with each other.

He leans down to play with the cat.

a/n: whoop, two chapters in one day!! sorry for the shortness of this epilogue y'all. This is just to show that this is the end of this universe, and i'm not gonna write any more fics in this universe. Or maybe I'll start a oneshot requests book or something, but that's up to the future, lol. Anyways, thank you so much for reading my fics :)

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