Chapter Nineteen

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There was a pounding sound outside the door. Leafy turned to look at it, curious as to who it was.

"Leafy!" Firey's voice rang out from the other side. "Open up! I have to talk to you!"

Now she knew who it was. She stood up, collected herself, and trudged towards the door.

While she didn't want to open it, every fibre of her being was screaming at her to do so. If she could make something right, she'll try.

In addition, he still lived here. Barring him from entering would effectively cast him onto the streets, and that was the exact opposite of what she wanted for him. She still wanted the best for him.

All of his stuff was here, too. His coffee mug, his clothing, his phone charger; the caraphernelia would be too much to handle.

She pulled open the door.

Firey was standing there, either very wet or very sweaty, with a miserable Smokey tucked under his armpit.

"Smokey!" Leafy bounded forward and pulled him into her arms. The cat looked glad to see her, purring happily as he rubbed his head against her chin.

"You don't hold cats like that!" Leafy scolded the boy in front of her.

Firey shrugged. "I've never held a cat before. I'm not a cat person."

Leafy suddenly remembered everything. She hugged Smokey to her chest. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Look," Firey began. "I also wanted to apologize. For not trying hard enough and shit. I really love you, it's just, I don't really know how to deal with emotions and stuff."

That's right. It dawned upon her. Firey, of all people in the world, was emotionally constipated.

"Be patient with me," Firey continued. "I love you, and from now on, I'll try my best. Even though I know my best won't be enough. Also, I talked to Match."

Leafy looked at him wildly. "Why?"

Firey pulled out his phone and quick dialed a number. He put it on speakerphone, and within a few seconds, Match picked up.

"Firey, I'm in bed." Match sounded tired. Leafy didn't blame her, it was nearly 1 am. She was surprised to be awake herself. She was even more surprised Firey still had energy to be this loud.

"Match," Firey demanded. "Tell Leafy what happened."

"Hi Leafy!" Match's voice rang out of the speaker. "Nothing happened between Firey and I. He cried and fell onto my shoulder. That's all. He's just very soft and cuddly."

Leafy stifled a laugh and looked at Firey.

"Okay, I meant 'prove my innocence', not 'please emasculate me.'" Firey looked thoroughly embarrassed.

"Oh," Match gasped in mock shock. "He's even started begging."

"Stop!" Firey pulled up the neck of his shirt to hide the lower half of his face.

Leafy was giggling at this point. Her trust in Firey had been reinstated a while ago, when Pin talked to her. This just confirmed that her boyfriend was innocent.

"Chill out," Leafy told him. "It's 2021, no one will care about how manly you are."

"Exactly!" Match chimed in through the phone. "Some actually prefer it."

"Alright," Firey rolled his eyes. "Go to sleep, I'm done with you."

He hung up the phone before Match could say anything.

The ginger turned to look at Leafy, his eyes full of questions. "I swear, I'm innocent. Please believe me, I'd never cheat on you. I know I'm trash, but not THAT much trash."

"I believe you." Leafy said. "I'm sorry for kicking you out..."

"I would have kicked myself out too," Firey replied. "I don't hold it against you. Don't stress."

"Uh," Leafy stepped out of the way awkwardly. "You can come in now."

Firey smirked. "Come in where?"

Leafy gasped when Firey closed the door behind them. Why was he always so horny?

He laughed. "I'm kidding, Leafs. Calm down."

Firey picked her up and kissed her, and Leafy felt her wounds heal once again.

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