Chap 8: Similarities

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Aladors Pov

My wife and I never had a swell Relationship. As we approached the appropriate age to have children, I was happy, and excited? But, Odalia just wanted to pass down the family name. After having Ed and Em, she was astonished as they grew older, taking traits off their mother, and growing into smart children. They had her hair, her eyes, but it seemed as if there was no part of me.

After the short experience of the twins, we decided to have another kid. As Amity grew older she didnt take her mothers traits. She had Perfect Brown hair, shiny gold eyes, she was like me. Until Odalia decided that she prefered her children to be, 'Colour coordinated'.

"Alador, would you be a dear and pass those papers? Shes nearly here." My wife gave a grin, and I passed over the papers, which was a contract for Amity to sign saying she would work for us. Taking up the job as the emperor is tough, I have to turn myself against some of the people that I love. Thats just the Blight way of doing things, even if it means hurting people.
"I know you may think this is necessary, Odalia, but shes still just a kid."
Odalia scoffed and turned towards my direction.
"If we get rid of that human girl. Everything will be fi-"

"Dont finish that sentence." The Manor doors creaked open, Amity. "Now what do you want? And if you're going to hurt Luz, I want Nothing to do with it."
Odalia laughed, and smiled crookedly at her daughter. "I dont really think you have a choice."
I looked at My wife and then back at my daughter. When Luz the human had left to go back to the human realm, Odalia had overheard the Twins teasing Amity about how she had developed a crush on Luz. Odalia of course, was furious. Furious about her daughter liking a girl, a human girl, of all the kinds. Of course I didnt mind, but as a Father of a top student, I didnt have a say to do anything about it.

"I have arragnged for someone to come over. He will be here soon, so get dressed-" Odalia looked up and down at her daughter, cringing at her daughters clothing. A soft Purple T-shirt and Some long shorts. "Actually, get your father to pick out some clothes for you."

Odalia walked off and I looked at Amity. Amity grumbled and looked away, clenching her hand. "What is she up to now? Look, I dont want anything to do with her. Or you!"
I felt a bit of ache in my stomach, Ive tried so hard with Amity. I taught her about keeping her distance from others that hurt her, Ive taught her to be kind and help people. But my wife said that shows weakness, and showing weakness makes you vulnerable. I really thought Amity and I had a Bond. But thats gone now.

"I understand your upset. But In my belief, your mother is just bringing someone over to visit you. I promise I dont know who it is."
Amity looked away and scoffed,
"All you guys do is Lie. I hate you both so much, you ruin my life, you limit my choices of friends. I dont want ANYTHING to do with you assholes." Her ears went down, her teeth clenched and she looked at me. My ears went slightly down,
"Amity I..-"
"No, forget it Alador."
"Ill go choose my own clothes. Im grown up. Dont bother coming in." Amity walked up the stairs, her back facing me the whole way

Amitys never used my realname before. Its always Dad or Father.


No, that shouldnt affect me. Im a blight.
'Stand proud and tall.'

{ Sorry for the short chapter, I hope you enjoyed it from Aladors POV. }

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