Chap 2: Team

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Boscha's Pov:

"Here!" I hear Amity call from the right side of the court. I set the ball in her direction, and like always, she hits a perfect spike.

As the ball hits the opposite court, I see Willow, who was on the opposite team, grab the ball and chuck it behind her, to Gus who was the next server.

"Nice serve," Amity panted, and walked over to me. I gave her a nod. Ever since Luz had left, shes been working really hard on everything. Shes even trying to start her own business, thats what her mother wants her to do.

I looked back at Skara, who was on Amitys and My team. Then I looked back at Gus, who as about to serve. 3 against 3. Emira, Willow and Gus, against me, Amity and Skara. Amity has been pushing us to work harder, so we practice like this everyday.

A couple more hours pass and everyones puffed out, especially Amity.
"Mittens, give them a break. I think that's enough training for today." I hear Edric call from the scoreboards. Amity shrugs and mumbles something to herself, then walks off the court.

The rest of us spilt up to do our own thing, I gaze over to where Willow and Skara were, they were packing up the net. Then I look towards Amity, who was on her scroll leaning against a wall.

"Whats bothering you Little miss perfect?" I joke, sitting next to her. Her scroll disappears and her gold eyes stare into mine. "Dont call me that." She scoffs, giving me a shove. "And nothings bothering me. Its just, we need to practice for the tournament."

I shake my head. "Amity, you know thats ages away!" The witch looks away and shakes her head in disagreement.
"Three months isnt that long, Boscha." She sits up. "By the time the tournament starts, we wont be ready and we will lose."

I shrug at her, "Is this about your parents? Have they been pushing you again?"
She looks down and fiddles with her fingers, avoiding my question. I stand up and sigh, "You have to stop letting them control you." Her eyebrows furrow as I walk away.

I walk to where Edric was staring. He looks at me and chuckles, "Did Mittens scold you again?"
"No, not yet at least. We are gonna have to keep training like this for three months."
His ears twitch in confusion, "But thats when the spring tournament is, isnt it?"
"Yeah, she wants us to practice for that."
"Thats unfair! We have so long till the actual thing." Edric frowns
I laugh, "Well, what did you expect, this is Amity we're talking about."

He nods and shrugs, "Hey well, im gonna pack up for the night. Mind staying here with Mittens? I suspect she'll be training all night again."
I nod, and then walk away. Everyone will go home, ill give Amity a couple of hours to train, then force her to go home. Then ill go home and finally rest.

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