Chap 6: Memories

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Luz's Pov:

Tiny footsteps approach me, I look towards the direction from where they are coming from. King looks up at me,
"What are you making? Those pastery things again?"
I laugh, giving King a scratch under the chin, "Yes, and for the last time they are called Pancakes, you goofy fella!" King climbs up the chair and sits on it with a tiny sqeuak, and Eda limps in the kitchen. "Morning Eda!" I Chirp, giving her a big smile and then focusing on the pancakes. "Good Morning kid." She looked at the pancakes. "I usually get King to do this, but since the emperors coven is recognizing our disguise, we need someone else to do it for us."

I give her a confused look, and turn around. "Whoa, hold your horses." I say, raising my hands. She looked down at her hands and raised an eyebrow at me, before nodding and realising it was a human thing. "What do you mean, disguise? And why are the Emperors Coven, still after you?"

"Edalyn decided to run her stand again." Lilith sighed. "And it turned out some of the things she was selling, were stolen from a few other Covens, which The Emperor's coven found out later on." She glared at Eda, who shrugged. I shook my head and groaned,
"Ill go out and buy you stuff, only if I can browse around a little!" I smiled at Eda.
"Fine, but no silly business, and make sure to stay away from covens."
I nod, then flip the pancakes on three plates, and serve it out to King, Eda and put a plate on the bench for Lilith.
I go into my room and grab some clothes. Not my usual ones, but some dark blue jeans and a black top with a plain white flower in the top pocket.

After getting dressed, I gave King a kiss on the head, "Dont get into too much mischief while im gone, okay?"
"You cant tell me what to do!" He squealed, his mouth full of food. I chuckled and grabbed my beanie from the door handle.

I close the door behind me, "Hoot hoot! Where ya' going Luz?" Looking back, I see Hooty.
"Oh, hey Hooty." I smile, "Just going to check out some unimportant things at some stands."
"Well this one time I actually helped Eda at her stand. A few things fell but I was doing her a favour. She called me a clutz but I kept.." I walked off, ignoring him and his story as much as i possibly could.

Bonesburgh, it was great to be back here, besides all the weird sightings it was nice. I look around at the stands, looking for the recourses and food that Eda needs.
I hear two voices not too far away from me, whispering.
"Dont you think it looks a bit like her?" A young, male voice said.
"Yes I know, but thats impossible. How would she even be able to get back?" The older female voice said. I couldnt help but think about how familiar the voices were, so with my curiosity i turned around to face them. There were two witches standing at another stand about books. One witch had dark blue hair which was cut short, and there was a shorter male witch, with straight brown hair.

We met eye contact for a while, before I realised something. "Willow, Gus?" My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at them.
It is them! I ran up to both of them, giving them a tight hug. "Luz, I cant believe it, Its you!" Willow exclaimed, giving a hug back.
"What are you doing here-? Actually before you answer that, could you maybe-" Gus gave a chuckle as he tried to escape my grasp.
"Oh right, of course. Sorry!" I put a hand to my neck, Gus brushed off his shirt, getting rid of the creases. "Well, long story short. Im living in the Boiling Isles now!" I gave them a huge grin and pointed a finger gun at them both.
"No way!" Willow smiled, giving me another hug before stepping back again. "Oh wait, Amity and the others are gonna be so excited too see you."

Oh thats right, Amity. I felt a dark red rush to my face at her mentioning. I never got a chance to tell her how I felt when I left to go home. We had found another key to the human realm, and Amity helped, she didnt realise it was so I could go home, but when she did, she looked devastated.
"Right! But its so nice to see you guys again." I gave another warm smile before giving them another hug.
"Yeah, you've changed alot since we last saw you. And what's with the beanie by the way?"
"Oh this?" I adjusted the beanie, "Its just a little accessory, nothing important. You guys have changed heaps too, the haircut suits you, Willow." I pointed at her short hair, and she smiled.
"Thanks Luz, Gus is still as short as ever." She joked, giving Gus a nudge.
He gave a fake pout, and gave a nudge back "Ouch! I have grown."

A while later of talking, and joking. Curiosity hit me once again, "So, whats happened since ive left?"
Willow shrugged, "We're in a Volleyball team- Oh wait, you humans dont know what that is, do you?"
"Oh no i do! I used to be the 'best' at it in my PE class." I laughed heroically, raising a fist in the air. "Too bad they wouldnt let me play."
Willow and Gus looked at eachother, "Well how would you like to play for the Banchees?" Gus asked.
"Wait really? Yes, that would be awesome!" I chirped, clapping my hands together.

"Come on then, we can show you where the gymnasium is. If you have time of course." Willow smiled and pointed towards an exit away from the stands.
I nodded, smiling back and following them. I wonder who else was on the Volleyball team, well at least I have my friends to keep me company, thats what matters.

"Here we are!" Willow gave a whisper as we stood outside the gymnasium, i raised an eyebrow, questioning why she was whispering.
"Amitys inside practising, I want to suprise her." She hummed, as if she read my mind.
I nodded and smirked, Gus signaled me to the backdoor in the storage room, where there were slim pane windows so I could see what was going on in the main area.

I saw amity practicing spikes and receives on the wall. Gus and Willow walk in through the main entrance, Amity turned her head in their direction.
"Took you guys long enough, did you get the books? I told you i'd pay you back." Amity mumbled as they came closer.
"Ohh right, there were none there sorry. But we did get the newest Azura book for you!" Willow chuckled shyly.
Amity looked around, "And, where's that then?"
"In the storage room."
Amity started making her way towards me, I ducked behind the door, waiting for my approach when she walks in. As she walks in the room, a hugs grin spreads across my face, she looks around before she finally noticed me.
"Hey, Amity." I smile at her with a hand in the pocket of my jeans.
"Luz..?" Her ears went down, she looked at me in disbelief, she shook her head. "Im just imagining things again." She gave a sigh and furrowed her eyebrows at me. I frowned,

"Your imagining things, 'Again'? Have you been missing me Miss Blight?" I gave a little smirk, she looked at me again, and started walking towards me. She blinked a couple of times, before stuttering, "Wait, Luz? I-is that actually you..?" Her hand gripped onto her shoulder, tightly. I stood up smiling softly, "In the flesh." I hummed, like a few days ago with King, but quieter and friendlier. She gave a few stuttering gasps before i saw her eyes fill up with tears, she put both of her hands over her mouth before running up to me and giving me a hug, accidently tackling me onto the mattress behind me.

My arms wrap around her, returning the hug. "Well nice to see you again too." I laugh.. Probably from the crying. She sat up, sitting on my lap, which she didnt notice she was doing. she covered her face. "I-im so sorry Luz. Its just, I didnt think you'd ever come back.." She looked away ashamed, "I never got to say a proper goodbye, I just ran like a coward-"

"Hey hey! Don't worry about that anymore, its all in the past now.." I cupped her cheek, brushed her tears away anf smiled smiled, making eye contact with her. Once again, her face flushed a pink. Willow and Gus barged in after a while of me attempting to calm Amity down.

"So are you two done yet or-" She looked at how we were sitting, still in the same position as before, and smirked. "Oh sorry, were we interrupting something?~" Gus waved his finger around us, creating illusions of hearts around us. I look up, my cheeks turn red, so do Amitys. "Willow, Gus!" Amity scowled, waving the illusions away and then getting off my lap.

"What? I was just asking."
Amity crossed her arms, and scoffed at Willows response. I sit there, rubbing my cheeks and looking at my shoes.
"So." Gus laughed, clapping his hands together. "Did you like the surprise?"
Amity uncrossed her arms and smiled at them, "Yeah.. I really did." She looked at me. "I actually thought you forgot about me- Well about us."
I tap my fingers against the holes of my jeans, "Of course not. You guys should know by now that if never forget you." I smile at them.

Amity rubs her neck, "The others will be here to practice soon." I heard her mumble to Willow.
"Oh, for Volleyball? Could I practice too?" I hummed, looking at Amity.

She looked back and me,
"I dont-"
"Dont worry Amity, they have Volleyball back at the human realm as well, and Luz knows all about it." Gus interrupted, putting his arms behind his back.
"Well, just the basics. I could do more practice." I chuckled, winking.

Amitys cheeks flushed a red, "Well, in that case. Your welcome to train with us any time."
I nodded, we got the gear and nets set up, and waited for the others.

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