Chap 4: Reunited

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Luz's Pov:

"Hoot, Hoot!"
I sit up to the sound of a owl, i stare out my window and see a tiny shape digging in the trash. Wait, Owlbert? Ive been waiting so long for this! I grab my bag and rush downstairs, I see my mum sipping coffee and sitting on the couch.

I need to get to Owlbert before the portal closes,
"Mum, Owlberts here. I need to go!"
She sits up, and places her coffee on the table, "Oh gosh, the time flew by fast." She says, "Do you have everything, are you sure about this?" She stammered, straightening out my collar.
I laugh at her reaction, and put my hand on her shoulder.
"Dont worry about me Mum, ill be fine. I should really get going though," I look past my mother and out the window. She gives me a worried glance, "Hey, dont worry Mum. I'll make time to message you, and if i can I will visit you, okay?"
"Okay, mija." She sighs, "Have fun, and dont get hurt. I love you."
"Love you too mama," I give her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, then i rush out the door to see Owlbert.

"Owlbert!" I yell, and the small Owl looks back, placing the bag of human items down.
"Hoot!" He howls, and he flys into my arms.
"Oh how I've missed you, little buddy!" I hug him and smother him with love. He suddenly crawls out of my grasp,
"Oh right, your probably wondering why im here." I chuckled, "Im going to live in the Boiling Isles!" I hear him hoot in excitment. We both make our way towards the portal, Owlbert makes his way thorough it. But i look back at earth, I take a deep breath, and step through the portal.

I recognise where I was, I smile. It was the same place I went when i Came through the Portal for the first time.
"Luz?" A familiar, squeaky voice said. Wait, could that be..? I look to where the Voice came from.
"King!" I squealed, I ran to hug him. He gasped in suprise.
"What are you doing here? I thought you'd never come back!"
"Well, its a long story. But im going to be living in the Boiling Isles!"
We talked about what happened during the past couple of years and whats changed.
"Oh wait! Eda will want to see you!" He says, and takes my hand. He drags me into the light and stalls are everywhere.
"Huh, I guess this area hasnt changed much." I muttered to myself.
"Ohhh Edaaa!" King sang. Eda turned to face the tiny demon.
"What do you- Wait, Luz?"
"In the flesh!" I chirp, she walks up to me and ruffles my hair.
"Since when did you get here, your supposed to be in the human realm?" She asked, smirking.
"Right, well. I talked to my Mum, and she said that i could live here!"
Her eyes widened, but the expression on her face quickly dropped. "Is that so? Well im assuming you'd need a place to stay. Am I right kiddo?" I nod. "Well for now, you can help pack up the stand. I could use a few spare hands."

"Aww, I just got here. Arent we gonna celebrate?" I fake pout. Eda rolls her Eyes and chuckles, she then shakes her head and passes me a box.
"Take this to King, will ya? Tell him he's helping or hes paying the bills."
I laugh and nod, I look over at King who is sitting with a stuffed toy on a mattress.
Eda, King and I, spent the last few hours working at the Stand. Then we went to the Owl House, I tried to avoid Hooty as much as I could. Sure I love the guy, but its been a rough day and I really dont need him screaming in my face for a welcoming-

I set up my mattress is my room, and i feel myself drifting off to sleep.

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