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He knows he should hurry. He's been here long enough he knows exactly what will come next. But...he can't make himself get up. He's sitting with his back pressed against the cold, hard, wall, dealing with a thousand crazy emotions at once. Part of him is relieved he's alone, at least for a little while. It's easier to think when the bishops aren't around.

He still bears their mark, though.

And that makes it impossible to escape the paralyzing emotion of fear.

Part of him-and this is what scares him-is unfeeling, empty.

Still there's another part of him that yells at him to get up. The part of him that knows exactly what the bishops are capable of. The part of him that begs him to blend in with the others. Keep his head down. Stay invisible.

There's probably more, too.

The ache of being alone for so long...

He stops trying to figure himself out when that thought comes to him.

He stares at the ceiling, trying to keep his tears from falling. Again.

I can't do this anymore, he thinks. I can't.

Aw...don't say that, Tyler. You'll...actually, wait, I haven't finished writing this yet. I'm not sure if he will be fine. Guess we'll wait and see!

Øverturning the lies (a twenty one pilots fanfiction) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora