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"Wait, wait...wait."


"I found something!" he exclaims happily.

"What?" she asks.

"Blackberries," he says with a grin.

"Ooh, nice," she says.

"Here, try one."

She doesn't let herself move as he gently presses the berry to her lips.

It's the best kind of torture, having him close.

Still, she protests, "I can feed myself!"

Doesn't want him to get a big head, thinking he can get away with anything.

"All right, feisty girl," he says, backing away slowly.

He holds the hand with the blackberries out, towards her, like a gesture of surrender.

She feels slightly bad, so she tosses him an especially ripe one.

To her surprise, he catches it.

"It's sweet," he says. "Like you."

"Don't be silly," she says. "I'm not-"

She pauses.

Berry juice runs down her arm.

It looks almost-almost, like blood.

Her breath catches in her throat and she quickly wipes it away.

The memory, though, that disappears less easily.

"You okay?" he asks.

"O-of course," she stammers, feeling anything but okay. "Let's just...let's just go, all right?"

"O-okay," he agrees, and the silence between them is the tense kind, full of things she know she needs to-needs to say, but can't.

So they walk together, but separate, not saying a word to each other.

It's better that way.

Better without acknowledging everything she did, once, everything she was.  

Øverturning the lies (a twenty one pilots fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now