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TW: self-harm

"Mari," someone says, "Mari, wake up..."

She does, for a moment. 

Opens her eyes like a good little girl, blinks and looks around. 

But eventually she closes them again, lacking the motivation and energy to get up and face the day. 

She pulls the blanket back around her and tries to go back to sleep, tries to surrender back to that wonderful place where she doesn't have to think or worry.

And she does, for a little while. 

Then she stirs again, sees the sun in her eyes, turns back over.


Surely someone would have made sure she was awake if it was really important. 

A few thoughts come to her mind. 

She tries to push them aside, ignore them.

Tries to go back to not caring. 

For a while it works until she lies awake, knowing that she can't drift off for any longer. 

She doesn't want to, really, just wants to not have to get up and deal with her problems. 

Because she suspects-knows, really, that as soon as she gets up they'll come rushing back at her. 

That's how it always goes. 

So she stays there a little longer, pondering the meaning of this.

There probably isn't any true significance in this small moment but that's not the way her mind works. 

That's never how it's worked. 

There was always something significant about everything, to her. 

Otherwise it was all random, chance, and that wouldn't do at all. 

She refused to believe that. 

Her thoughts leave her wondering, wandering...

And then. 

And then...

"Mari. It's time to wake up," someone else says, shaking her. "Mari..."

She opens her eyes and sits up immediately. 

"Don't-" she says, "Don't d-do that, Tyler. You scared me." 

"Well," Tyler says, for he, of course, had been the one whispering her name in her ear, "You're awake now." 

"But that was creepy!" she protests. 

"But you're awake," he points out. 

"But that was terrifying," she says. 

"Actually?" he asks. 

"Okay, fine...not that scary," she amends. "Still, a little scary." 

"Sorry," Tyler says. "Come on, though. Josh said he tried to wake you up like three hours ago." 

"Do you need something?" Mari asks. "And how do you know it's been three hours? Did you look at...I don't know, the sun's position or something? How would you measure...?"

"Look," he says. "It's been a while, just trust me on that. And, no, I don't need anything, I was just-" 

"Just what?" Mari asks. "Worried?"

Tyler nods. 

"Really?" Mari asks. 

"Yeah,"  Tyler says. "Really." 

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