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Tired tired tired tired tired tired...

But he has to do something, because if he doesn't, he knows no one will.

He sighs inside and tries to put aside his own pain for a second, tries to focus on helping his friend.

It's been...too long since they left Dema. Not long enough. Or neither.

He really isn't sure.

He drags himself out of his own mind for a second, focuses his eyes on his friend.

"What if they're right?" Tyler asks, "What if the voices are right?"

Josh places his hand on his fren's shoulder and looks him right in the eyes.

"Ty, they were trying to bring you down. They were trying to bring you down to a place so low, you'd never see the light again"

"They did," Tyler says quietly. "They did."

He looks at the ground.

For a moment Josh doesn't know what to say. His insecurities return briefly.

Then he finds the words.

"But when you're that low, sometimes all you need is a little bit of light to help you find your way again. Am I right?"

Tyler nods.

"To show you that they're wrong," Tyler says.

"Exactly," Josh says. "So I promise they're wrong, okay? No matter how badly you think about yourself, I never will."

Tyler smiles. "Thank you."

He looks up at Josh.

"You know, I think you were a part of that light," his friend says.

Josh can't help it.

He hugs his best fren.

"You're going to make me cry," Josh says, only half-jokingly. "Always messing with my emotions, aren't you?"

Tyler grins, hugging him back.

Josh missed that smile.

Missed Tyler more than words can describe.

Now that he is it feels like a piece of himself has been found.

"Thank you," Tyler says softly. "Thank you. I don't know where I would be without you."

"Not here," Josh murmurs softly. "Not here."

Tyler nods. "You're right. You're right. They were wrong."

It's like he can see gears turning in Tyler's mnd.

Finally his fren opens his mouth to say something.

"If their only purpose was to make us carry more chains, I think it's only fitting that you were one of the ones who helped break them."

"Am I interrupting anything?" a familiar female voice asks.

Josh laughs. "Yes, but also no."

"Hi, Jenna," Tyler says somewhat shyly, but Josh can tell he's happy.

Good, he thinks.

Let's hope it stays that way.

He looks up at the sky.

Day is slowly bleeding into night and the clouds are stained with fading sunlight.

All around him, there is a promise of new possiblities, new choices.

He tries to take a breath and breathe in that feeling of awe and wonder.

Then takes another step forward, continuing on this journey.

bittersweet, but also adorable little frenship stuff UwU. stay alive you lovelies.

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