Chapter 16- Mino's Bad Dream

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2:00 am in the morning, a horrifying and gasping breath had been heard all over the room.

The room was so dark . It felt like there was devil inside it.

Mino was still sleeping. He hugged his pillow so tightly that he could not live without it.

In his dream, he could barely remember the boy that he saw in the park, particularly, that boy who was wearing a red cap.

He could not figure out that his image kept on flashing on his mind, not just once but many, many times.

That boy convinced him  to be his friend. But he refused it. He was then afraid because in the very first place, he did not know that boy very well.

Secondly, he knew that he was just part of his imagination. He never knew who he was, his age, his exact address, his family.

Considering those information, he wanted to validate everything about him. It does not mean that he was meticulous about knowing him better. He just felt that awkward statement ,that he never felt before. He did not know him well. It was just weird hearing it for the first time.

He tried to go away but the boy kept insisting to go with him. He went to grocery to look for the canned goods and other noodles but still the boy kept on searching on him.

His nerves in his body rose up like a flame,that he could not breath, that he wanted to get into trouble with him.

He relaxed himself for a while and wiped his sweaty head with his white handkerchief given by Akiro.

After he gathered all those stuffs, he went immediately to the cashier and paid his groceries. The boy looked at him so sharply, like he wanted to kill him or stab him with a knife. That terrifying look triggered his nerves to rise up to the next level.

While the boy came closer to him, definitely approaching to him. He got his bag and gave the exact money intended for the groceries. The boy held his bag and held it so tight.

Though he already paid it to the assigned pretty cashier. He could not go because the boy held his bag with his left hand while clutching his right hand.

He wanted to go but the boy was just stronger enough yo put him down. He told the cashier to push him. As expected, he was escaped from that boy and run so fast like a hurricane.

He smiled at the cashier. Sad to say, he forgot to thank her for that embarrasing incident.

The boy got his most favorite bag and he was depressed to get back but he could not do it again. The boy definitely had a bad intention to him. He did not know if he gravely suffered all the pain that he had gotten from him. 

He felt that he was crucified from the cross in a minute as he reminded about the pretty boy who have just given him a full heart attack.

He felt relaxed when he realized that the boy was no longer existing on his sight. He breathed heavily as a sign of relief. He bought a bottle of mineral water and drank it. His sweat was obviously noticed that he was afraid of someone, it may be close to him or not.

Akiro contacted him where his whereabout but he never responded that day. He was afraid of telling him the truth, that the devil boy was still existing on his place. He wanted to explain everything to him but he was in hesitant to do it, believing that Akiro did not fully believe on his own version of his story. It is because he never shared his dream to anyone.

He was just afraid of sharing his secret conspiracy in life.

Yes, that is true. He firmly believed that once he revealed it, Akiro would no longer believe on him, his weaknesses, his dream both pleasant and unpleasant, his entire life. He did not want that Akiro would probably upset on him, knowing that he considered  Akiro as his father and at the same time his true and best friend.

He did not know if Akiro was fully aware of this. Because he was too busy to catch up all his appointment in the respective station where he was assigned. He just wanted to feel that Akiro was still his family, in replacement of his own real family.

He missed his dad, his mom as well as his youngest sister, who happened to be the brutal victims of massive killings happened in Sashima. He felt that it was very fresh on his freaking imagination with regards to that incident.

It felt so sad knowing that you have no longer attached to your real family. But you do not have to worry no more because all these sacrifices will come to an end. That devil- may- care attitude of him would no longer be existed.

He was in tears upon reflecting that accident.

He was on his way to his home when suddenly there was a boy wearing the same red cap passed on his way. He hid himself in the woods.

As swiftly as the air, the boy asked him again if he wanted to be his friend.

And he absolutely said a big  No.

You know what, there is no way to make us friends together.

Do I know?

Are we that close?

What the hell are you talking about? I do not talk to stranger like you.

Ouch, you hurt my feelings, right! said the boy.

Do not force me to like you. It does not mean that I do not like you to the highest level. It only means that it is very to utter the words , Let us be friends, without even know you.

Frankly speaking, it was too fast to admit that we were friends ,without even our individual background.

The boy laughed so loudly. He even smiled at him so nicely with a hidden agenda.

Let us be friend. It is just a simple  thing.

But Mino said No. Hell, there is no other way,dude.

If you do not want be your friend. I will be your enemy .

I don't care. Mino showed a weird emoticon on his face. It felt that he did not like the show.

The boy showed his disappointments to Mino. His eyes turned red like a blazing flame. He clutched his hands that he wanted to let him turned down.

Mino was shivered, not only his knees but his entire body. He leaned on the wall. He took off his green shoes and threw it to him.

The boy turned to monster. He was getting stronger even could not put him down.

His voice was in resemblance to a demon- an angry demon who could destroy everything that he wanted included your life.

Mino got strategies to avoid the massive attacks of the demon.

He literally shouted out loud that Akiro ,who was sleeping soundly, suddenly shocked on what he heard on the room next to him.

He got a water inside the refrigerator and splashed it entirely on Mino's face.

Mino shouted so intensely. Thank God ,he was still okay.

Ah, it was only dream.

I am having a bad dream, Akiro. Thanks for the cold water. It felt soothing and made me cool.

Akiro laughed about his corny jokes.

Mino went to Akiro's bedroom and slept there.

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