Chapter 6 - The Real Culprit Came In

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Joshua, the new staff of MJ Company where Cyraine and Nila currently working, started the buzz of what happened to them. He reported it immediately to Hazel, her fellow staff. He was scared for the past few weeks that happened in the police station
He wanted to cry from extreme fear. He believed that their fellow staff, Cyraine and Nila suffered so much and wanted to survive in their current situation.

According to the old janitor, before the company owned it there was a family who lived there. Mr. and Mrs Thompson had a beautiful daughter, Alice. They loved her so much. They gave whatever she wanted. She was enrolled in the prestigious institution. She was caring and a loving daughter. She took good care about the reputation of her family. She also took care of their business. She owned the expensive dress, cars, and bags. Everyone was impressed about her.

During her debut, she ordered a pretty gown that cost million. She invited all her friends and relatives. She was having a good time while her parents shouldered all the payments.

One time, her parents told her that the company was facing financial crisis. They had to remove the number of staff  in the company. Some were shocked about the decision of the company. Her father hid the information that their company will soon be closed because of so many violations.

To bring back the glory of the company, there was a certain agreement that would be the one to represent her father's company. The foreigner wanted to marry her in exchange of several conditions.

At first, she objected it but in the long run, she accepted the proposal. It took 3 months for her to decide and said yes to the said proposal. She thought that was the prime solution to the problem.

After she married, she got pregnant.

It was Saturday afternoon when she decided to get the report of her employee.

There was a man named JADE, her boyfriend who came earlier from abroad. He was so excited to visit her girlfriend. He was blinded by the fact that she was already married to a foreigner. He was getting mad when Alice told him that she was pregnant.

After hearing the unexpected news in his mind, he cried in pain.

Then, he transformed himself like a man who was possessed by the evil spirit. With the use of the knife, Jade killed her and her family.

It was not his attention to destroy their life. It so happened that the possession of the evil spirit inside his body was really stronger.He could not beat it. He walked away and tried not to return again after the ruthless execution that he had made.

Since then, several incidents happened in that building.


Joshua was in charge of the CCTV in their office. As he looked into it, particularly to the exact date where the incident happened . He saw an unbelievable image.

It looked like a white lady floating in the air. The said white lady went everywhere. It could not be denied that you could not able to stare at her in a moment. Her face was covered with long and wavy hair . She was like a patient in a hospital.

She went near the hot and cold dispenser. She got a glass of water. She put it inside the table where all the ball pens, pertinent documents, stamp pad, felt tip pen and bond papers were there. The owner of the glass would surely be insane if she found out that all the documents were wet.

After she went to bathroom.This time, she was carrying a bloody baby. It was covered by pink cloth. She was shaking and confused what to do. She barely carried a knife. She killed the baby inside the bathroom and left there. She went to the office while holding a knife. She placed it under the table of Nila.

Nila was not aware with that even Cyraine. It was really a great question why there was a scattered blood in the office that night.


Another angle of CCTV seemed so weird. The white lady who passed in the office, who went in the bathroom, and who walked through the gate was in great resemblance. He pondered his thoughts about it and came to a conclusion that she did the brutal incident in their company.

While watching the CCTV again, on the right angle, he saw the guard pointing towards her. The said guard shouted but she never intended to listen again. He approached the white lady.It was then that he realized that the lady was holding a knife and stabbed him several times. He was dragged by the lady to the guard house and left him .

Joshua just knew what happened then. He wanted to report it right away.He asked permission to Lauren about the brutal accident but Lauren was absolutely afraid to be involved in it.

So, he asked Hazel to help him expose the whole truth. It was quite obvious that Cyraine and Nila did not do anything about the guard. In fact, they did not kill him. There was someone who killed the said guard but they did not know who did it.

As a matter of fact, that night, they were also haunted with fears while having an overtime inside the office. They were also victims of the hauntings happened exactly within the four wall of their office.

Hazel took a pause. She made sure that she could able to help her friends, Cyraine and Nila, who happened to suffer the consequences of brutal killing. In her mind, she thought that justice would be attained if she could find the surest way to it. In return, it would clarify the vague issues on their company.

Since she worked in the office, she had the right to protect herself and her co- employees.

How would she feel if she was in the situation of Cyraine? May be she would feel very depressed for not listening to her story.

In the afternoon, she said to her manager that she should have to take a break.She had an important meeting to attend to. She tried her best to finish the task assigned to her that morning. Glad to say, Jewel helped her a lot.

She asked Joshua about the CCTV footage and transferred it to her USB. She immediately went to the police station and reported about it

She was nervous that time but her fighting spirit kept on pushing her to do so. She prayed that the flow of the investigation went well. She searched on the possible questions to be asked by the investigator. She studied it so that the information to be said were clear and understandable.

On Wednesday, she was called by the police investigator for further investigation. She answered the questions that she already knew. She gave her USB to the police investigator assigned to it. There, they saw the actual happenings inside the office. The guard was stabbed by the white lady and left him after the incident.

Friday morning, they went to the guard's office and looked the right spot where the knife was placed. True. The police investigator got it He said that the knife serves as the strongest evidence about the case.

Joshua and the rest of the staff in the company were glad to hear the good news. Since it was evidently found that the employee, Cyraine and Nila were found NOT GUILTY.

They were released from the prison and excited to go back to work. They missed the fully loaded work , especially on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

The police investigator thanked Hazel for helping them to solve the case.

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