Chapter 1 - Insomnia Night

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It was midnight in the city of Sashima when Cyraine could not sleep well. She eventually suffered from insomnia.

She had always been reminded about the reports to be submitted in the office. She worked as a secretary in MJ Company, one of the largest companies in Japan. Their company performed so well.

As a matter of fact, it stretched their services to Macau. Who would have thought that this company would definitely prosper despite of so many competitors?

She went outside the balcony and simply gazed the falling stars." How I wish to go back to Korea to work as script writer! " she said. She missed the Korean drama series like Descendants of the Sun and The Legend of the Blue Sea.

These particular drama series had changed her perception that every person is destined to have a partner in life. Sad to say, her life was a mess after she had experienced a terrifying break-up with her ex- boyfriend, Brent Zamora. She promised to herself not to fall in love again because the pain was still there. It took somehow couple of years to completely heal that pain they she had.

It was exactly 12:45 when the dog's noise broke the serenity of the place. The dog kept on barking and barking and it made her afraid. She looked closely to the window sill.

There , she observed that the dog saw something strange as if it allowed her hair to rise up. After 20 minutes, she heard a cry of a lady. She could not imagine why she heard that sound. She went outside and opened the gate. She held a flashlight and tried to search where the noise came from.

She spent thirty minutes searching for that noise and nothing happened. She tried her best and it seemed that her mission was a great failure. Suddenly, she felt the coldness of the wind. She also felt that was someone who whispered on her ear. She insisted that she was a brave lady that she was afraid of nothing.

But at this point, something weird really happened. She glanced slightly on her right side but no one was there. She took a second glance on the left side but no one was there. Her whole body shivered and she wanted to give out for this scenario.

Her sweat was cold as ice. The same thing with her knees. She was really scared. She wanted to cry for help. She shouted loudly but no one heard her screaming. She could not figure out that slept behind the bushes.

Good thing that there was a very handsome guy named Akiro who saved him. He carried the lady with his arm. It took almost an hour to reach his home. He slept with her on the bed.

On the next morning, the sun shone brightly. She woke up with a great surprise and wondered how she cane into that house. She slept on the bedroom whom she was not familiar with. She saw three pink roses on her bed.

Suddenly, she heard her hungry tummy. She immediately went to the kitchen and found a prepared meal to her. She ate three pieces of jumbo hotdogs and a boiled egg. After eating a hearty breakfast, she went straight to her house and took a cold shower. She enjoyed the smell of the scented floral soap while taking a bath in the comfort room. She applied conditioner to make her hair looks glossy. It took almost an hour.

All of the sudden, she heard the footsteps coming from the backyard. She thought that there were men who passed by talking about the news spread over the Sashima City.

She reminded herself not to be engaged with that kind of stuff. She heard the laughter of men which gave her a clue to go out from the house and tried to look for the hilarious story of the unidentified men. She dressed up quickly and put smile on her face upon looking on the mirror. She was in a hurry to see the situation on the backyard and she found nothing.

The wind blew hard and she felt that there was someone who placed a ball pen inside her pocket. She felt the cold hands in her pocket and she screamed so intensely.

Her neighbors were so shocked about what had happened to her. She fainted upon reading the note in her pocket saying,PLEASE, DO NOT KILL ME, JADE ...

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