Chapter 9 - Mino transforms into Monster

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After school, Mino went to Akiro's house. Good thing was Akiro was there standing beside the gate. He was busy cleaning his car because he wanted to go to Osaka together with Cyraine.

Mino greeted Akiro with a warm smile. He put his bag inside the bedroom and got ready for the nice trip.

Since it was Saturday, he planned to go with him. He made sure that he dressed up his favorite blue t shirt given by Akiro.

Upon seeing him, Akiro felt glad that finally he was able to wear it. That t shirt was very special to him. He could not paint the happiness that he had felt.

That time, Cyraine was taking a shower inside the comfort room. Mino smelled the aroma of the rose petals. He was just curious who was inside the comfort room because ever since he stepped in that house, no one would dare to come in.

So, Mino asked Akiro about it. Akiro just smiled and said it was his sweetheart. Mino was in awe as if he could not believe it. He congratulated Akiro for having a sweetheart. At least he would never be left alone when Akiro worked on his respective station.

While waiting for the car, Mino went to his room and answered his assignment. Since it was all about Physics, it was easy for him to answer. Physics is one of his favorite subjects in school . His teacher was definitely impressed to him. He worked hard in order to attain a good grade. He promised to be topped in the class at the end of the school year.

Suddenly, he heard a foot step from the ladder slightly approaching to his room. He was in a bad mood because that sound really annoyed him. He opened the door but no one was there. He thought it was the sweetheart of Akiro but he was really wrong. He never mind it. He concentrated his attention to his assignment.

After three minutes, he heard the sound of a falling clock. He was scared. He stopped doing assignment and kept his notebook inside his black bag.

He got his red bag hang on the wall and immediately went downstairs.

Cyraine just went to Akiro's bedroom and felt sudden strange thing happened to the next room. She heard an alarm clock falling on the floor.

Tiktok ! Tiktok! She heard the ticking sound of a clock louder than before. She dressed up so quickly like a strike of a lightning. She failed to do her make up as well as to put red lipstick on her tender lips. She did not even comb her slightly wavy hair. She did not care if she forgot to fix her eyebrows. What is important during that moment was that she could able to go downstairs and get ready to ride inside the car.

Mino saw the facial expression of Cyraine. He adored her beauty but you could see how terrifying it was.

Mino asked her if she was the sweetheart of Akiro and she proudly said yes.

With a pure smile, Mino greeted her so nicely. They were both shaking their hands and tell their deepest relationship to Akiro.

They had to wait until Akiro finished cleaning the car. While waiting, Cyraine and Mino were sitting on the bench outside Akiro's house. They talked about their personal experiences on how did they meet Akiro here in Sashima. Cyraine just felt so much excited talking about it.

The scared scenario that she had experienced while taking a bath and after taking a bath ,was replaced with so much excitement.

She never thought that she could able to tell it once again to Mino. Akiro saved her life after she collapsed due to the noise of the dog and after she felt a cold hand who touched her hand. She was carried away by her thoughts that there is something an evil spirit roaming in the city of Sashima.

One day, she saw herself sleeping on the bed. As she opened her eyes, she saw the purely naked body of Akiro while looking for his brief. Her heart pumped so boisterously. She could feel how hot his body was. She saw his hard- earned abs. It was absolutely perfect for a perfect guy like him. Since then, she was fully attracted to him. Then , they met once more in the police station where she was sentenced to murder.

After hearing those words, Mino just nodded and still in a state of disbelief. He was never then aware the lovelife of Akiro.

When Akiro finished washing his car. He went straight to his room and changed his t shirt. He packed up some things needed for their trip - mat, mineral water, pillow, flashlight, plastic plates and glasses, extension wire, thermos, canned goods, and others. He was so excited seeing these two lovely people in his life- Mino and Cyraine. He wanted to give them a treat just exclusively for two days.

There she goes, there she goes again- these were the lyrics that were played inside the red, red car. Blissful and friendly vibes surrounded the atmosphere. Akiro cracked a joke and they were never stopped laughing. Indeed, they were laughing all the way.

Why should we stop for a while and buy some drinks. ? Akiro asked .

Yeah, should we order black soda or lime juice only.

I think it could be both. I like them so much. Mino exclaimed.

Akiro suddenly rushed to the mini grocery and buy all the stuffs. He used his credit card even if Cyraine gave her own card to him.

Did you use my credit card? Cyraine asked.

There is no need to use it since I wanted to give a treat right now, don' t you remember it? He said.

Cyraine smiled so sweetly and kissed Akiro on lips. Other customers tried to tease them to kiss him once more but Akiro did not give customers' request.

They left the grocery and went directly to the car.

While they were riding near the cemetery, Mino was shaking and Cyraine got panic. She tried to hold him because he wanted to jump over the car.

Please stop it! Mino. Why would you jump? It might be very dangerous if you would do it.

I don't care! Mino changed his voice.
He never dared to listen to her.

Akiro , please help me. Mino wanted to jump. I could not control him. He was very strong and I could not him any longer.

As expected, Mino jumped and run behind the bushes.

Akiro stopped his car and went to the direction where Mino was hiding.

Cyraine clearly saw the transformation of Mino. He became monster. Akiro was never expected about the scenario that the devil spirit went inside Mino's body.

Cyraine was crying while staring the face of Mino. It did give her so much stress. She shouted and asking help that his friend would be healed.

Good thing that there was an old man living near the cemetery who helped them. Akiro bought 3 red candles as requested by the old man.

According to him, the evil spirit entered his body accidentally.

Akiro caught Mino. He surrounded it with a strongest rope. Mino kept on laughing and crying. His eyes turned red and he shouted once again.

Who are you? Why would you tie me with a rope? Am I crazy?

Akiro brought him to the old man's house. There, he was lying on the bed. The old man lighted up the candle and started to pray. After a while, the real Mino appeared in front.

Eventually, Mino did not know that he was possessed by the demon.

Cyraine hugged him and said if it would be okay to continue their trip.

Mino smiled and said Yes.

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