Chapter 8 - The Fate of the Monster

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Finally, Nila and Cyraine returned home. While they were talking about their saddest experience in prison, Nila was in tears.

She felt that she could not able to escape to the horrifying city of Sashima. She missed her family, knowing that October 28 was her birthday. She was so dissapointed when she knew that her family travelled to Osaka without further notice. She wanted to scream in pain.

"Come on, Nila. Don't worry about them. Everything will be alright." Cyraine said.

"I can't help myself to worry this thing. I think they don't love me anymore." Nila exclaimed.

Both of them hugged each other. They remembered how their friendship had been tested. They remained strong like an old oak tree. As the years passed by, they became loyal with each other, unknowing of their differences.

Nila breathed heavily. That would be the sign of great relief. She was able to survive the challenges that came in her way.

.......... ......... .......

Ding dong! Ding dong! The bell rang and no one dared to come inside.

Cyraine was about to sleep. Suddenly, the bell rang again. No body was there. She tried to look in the window sill. No shadow of a man was standing there. She guessed it was just a stranger who wanted to disturb the tranquility of her mind.

She was scared when the cold wind blew into her ear so swiftly.She wanted to shout but she could not.

She was then totally shocked when she felt that there was a bloody and a messy hand gently touched her skin. It smelled like a liver that infested with worms that were shocked in a box for a couple of months. She tried to grip the hand of an unknown man but he was stronger than what he had imagined.

Gosh! she said.

After a few seconds, he disappeared like a wind. Then,she felt relaxed and sighed heavily.

..................... .............
She returned to bed and got her huggable pillow. She wanted to sleep even though the arousing fear still in her mind that happened just few minutes ago.

Then,she heard a horrifying voice - seemed like a werewolf who wanted to suck any type of blood. Obviously rattled, she closed her eyes for a while and all the lights inside her house totally blasted. Like a blind, she could not see anything. Tears dropped on her face, upon knowing that Nila was gone right away on her side.

Oh,my God! Where are you Nila? I needed you very badly. Why would you leave me without creating any noise. ( She cried again).

You knew in the first place that I did not like dark places. I was so afraid being left alone. I had a traumatic experience with my sister. Because of me, my sister died due to accident.

Until now, my family kept on blaming on me, for the ruthless things that I have ever done to her. I knew that we had a heated argument before that was just a simple argument. I never thought that it would really happen. My sister hanged herself in the bedroom. She ended her life in an ambiguous situation. Every one was definitely curious about the accident. Her sister died due to the heavy stress that would quite difficult to handle.

A few moments later........... .

A sudden scratches were followed after that voice. Her hair raised so intensely, not only that, her lips were shivering in fear and her eyes popped up.

Like a manequin, she could not move. She was frozen for a moment. She covered her body with a black and white blanket. She did not care if she could not stay any longer. What was on her mind was the intense fear. Compared to grenade, her body wanted to explode.

She counted 1 up to 5, and she took a deepest breathe. While counting, she felt that the monster visibly creeping on the window. So, she needed to stand up and closed the window.

With unexpected twist, the monster with a terrible face proudly showed himself to Cyraine. She covered herself more with her blanket. It could not be concluded that her body was splashed with a coldest ice from the refrigerator. She kept stronger even though her soul wanted to run into the place where no one could recognize you.

Showing his offended smile, the monster grabbed her blanket in a slow motion and it was successfully happened. As expected, her anxious face was seen by him and it made her nervous.

His foul-odored saliva dropped on the left surface of Cyraine's face and continuously entered into her nose, letting her to collapse.

The monster carried her outside her house. He went back to kitchen to get a knife.

When he was about to stab her . One of her neighbors shouted and it gave monster in an extreme irritation.

So desperately, he run like a wild beast and killed her neighbor, Camila. He sucked her blood first before he proceeded to her internal organs.

He ate thoroughly her small intestine down to large intestine. He did not care if it caused so much pain on the part of the girl. He smelled the internal blood in it and he thought it was really satisfying. He licked some of the crispy ribs. He enjoyed seeing the palpitation of the heart until he got a heart into his mouth. It was a wonderful feeling for him and he liked to savour more body.

With courage, Cyraine run fast and hid under the hibiscus plant. She felt the extreme inhalation of her lungs. It was even more obvious when the monster closely monitored the sound near the bushes.

He stood for a moment and went to the right direction but no one was there.

Cyraine took a deep breath as she was hiding behind the bushes.

This time, the monster went ahead to the left way and he felt the same thing.

Later, he noticed the green bushes that there was someone hiding in it. He found himself very excited to see what was the creature living there.

As he approached directly to the bushes, he saw a lady wearing red blouse, trembling in fear.

He just laughed and said that he had a nice food to eat - very fresh and raw. He was sure that he could make himself full.

He smiled and winked. Cyraine dropped her hairband and began to run.

The monster chased but he found it difficult because Cyraine run so fast, knowing that she was an athletic before ,way back to her high school days.

The monster was extremely hungry as if he wanted to eat her whole body. He got a large stone and threw it to her. His first attempt was not bad enough to hit her. He snatched the other stone and he hit her head.

Cyraine's head was busted!

She covered it with her hand,still,her head kept on bleeding. She took off her clothes and placed it on her head. She stumbled and fell along the road. She was in a state of dizziness.

Then, the monster disappeared so swiftly. He escaped from that place and transferred to another.

In her surprise, she found himself sleeping on the muddy and grassy land.

Lots of people were concerned about her but there was one gentleman tapped her shoulder and asked her on what had happened.

She kept on staring to the beautiful eyes of the gentleman. In herself, she knew that she remembered that gentleman. His mesmerizing eyes, his pointed nose, his brilliant teeth, his broad muscles and hot body. But all of the sudden, a picture of cockroach popped up in her mind, letting her to shout.

The gentleman asked her if she was okay. She pretended not to be okay. She acted as if she never knew that guy. On the other note, in her heart, she felt the high level of chillness brought by the handsome guy.

She rested on his broad and very firm muscles and fortunately slept there. She needed enough time to sleep. The gentleman let her to sleep on his and tried to comfort her by touching her silky hair while having a napping time.

While sleeping, she kept on talking about anything. She missed her mom and also her soon-to-be boyfriend. She smiled so sweetly and took another nap.

She found out that the man who was with her was Akiro- the one who passionately in-love with her.

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