Info you need to know

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Also the other person that helped along with this is @ifeelstressedalready

Caretakers/Nurse - They are fond of animals and children, spidey senses (knows beforehand if something bad is going to happen), train children to sprout their abilities before handing them to their official mentor.

Medic type 1 - Heals with the traditional methods, can do special things to plants, like making it grow faster, sweeten fruits, etc.
Medic type 2 - specializes more in magical healing with their power rather than traditional. Ability to advance potions, medicine, etc.

Warriors - Strength, agility, and pain intolerance better than average,

Hunter - stelthful, hearing senses good, some can have familiars

Welders/Blacksmith - Can enchantment towards weapon/armour, fire resistant, can mark places where ore/minerals can be found and collected, and have strength to lift materials out of stone.

Britain's family
Land: Amaruteria
Kingdom: Lindenrouge

The Spanish family
Land: Kikora
Kingdom: Oitha empire

The Soviet family
Land: Entombed draine
Kingdom: Athelard

[first: warrior. Second: medic. Third: hunter. Fourth: nurse/caretaker. Fifth: welder/blacksmith

There are some born with a symbol [as shown above] already on their skin relating to different kinds of abilities, but can't access it until they are in care of a Caretaker/Nurse

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There are some born with a symbol [as shown above] already on their skin relating to different kinds of abilities, but can't access it until they are in care of a Caretaker/Nurse.

The same species can be different sizes, elf's are just taller and are stronger than the other beings, except for their guardian/king, Britain, who is still the smallest out of the elve's.

Soviets Dracotaurs are the second biggest/strongest species out of the three main kingdoms, but there are still some elves that are shorter than some Dracotaurs. They are also buffer, not exactly stronger but just have broader shoulders (SO STRONK!)

Last is Spain's kingdom, they are mostly half horse but they can also be goats, donkeys, cows, llamas, etc. They are mostly hunters unlike Lindenrouge and Athelard, but the thing Lindenrouge and Oitha empire do have in common is that they don't really like magic, they still use it but don't trust it.

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