Chapter 1: new beginning

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    The forest floor was still damp from the rain clouds that had passed through the previous night, now the bright afternoon sun was sure to dry it up in no time.

The lush shrubs and trees held loads of wildlife that would make music for passing travellers to listen to while trekking through the long, uncut grass and ferns. The scene was set perfectly, until loud chatter arose, followed by laughter.

The ones to make such a racket on the forest floor were no other than Canada and America, they were two eldest brothers out of the four kin of the Kingdom of Lindenrouge royal family. They were out on patrol, scanning the forest for danger and keeping away vicious and malicious harm to the kingdom.

Even if they had not found anything to report back, they could always pick up a hare or two to trade at the market for goods.
  "Do you really think dad will allow YOU to actually lead a patrol? The only reason you're allowed outside the gates is because I'm by your side." America chuckled to himself as he continued to sharpen a stick he had plucked off a tree they had passed with one of his daggers.

"And if he did, it would be just around the royal garden and that would be a surprise" America carelessly waved his dagger around before Canada llightly nudged the dagger away from him.
"Yea and? It would still be an experience to do something without you right on my back. You'd be surprised to find out I can take on a bear and not jump at the smallest of sounds" Canada huffed, narrowing his eyes down at America. Canada then swung his head over his shoulder to check the bushes to his right, you know, actually doing the job they were asked but nothing was there that he could see.

What he wasn't expecting though was a hand on his shoulder. The sudden contact made him jump slightly with a small yelp, "Well there goes for being all tough." Canada mumbled to himself.
"HA! You'd jump at even the contact of your brother's hand" America stopped in his tracks after laughing so hard, Canada stopped as well. Considering America was holding on to Canada's left shoulder as if he was having troubles standing right, but quickly he gained his composure.

"But on a serious note, you really need to work on not being so jumpy. Maybe try scaring yourself by winding up a jack in the box or some fun kin's toy" America patted Canada's back before continuing to walk with his sharpened stick and dagger in hand. Maybe America's advice wasn't so bad.

Scaring himself? Canada thought it was a good idea until he realized he must've been trying to trick him into playing with toys again, even if he was almost 18. He was so busy thinking that he hadn't noticed that America was already a few feet ahead of him which caused him to yell out.

"Hey wait up!" Who was he kidding? In reality, Canada couldn't even take on a small bug, little alone a bear. So how the hell could a jack-in-the box help? Canada just didn't want to admit to America of him being an actual scaredy-cat even if he was a warrior whose role is supposed to fend off evil from their kingdom with their lives. He just hoped one day he would prove everyone wrong by doing something heroic like saving some girl from a beast, but that stuff only happens in the fairytales and Canada knew that all too well.

    Once those guards finally got on going, I made a run for it. Using the bushes and trees as cover as I finally made it to the actual gates. I had run out of multiple items during my trip. I had probably been on the road for months, well, maybe not for months but it sure does feel like it. I had also used up everything useful to keep up my energy and some copper coins and maybe some silver. Now however I had to stop and pick some more resources up because of one reason in particular. I had cut one of my feet on some sharp rock while walking through a stream on the way and to keep my foot from getting infected, I need a type of herb called neem. Luckily it can be bought from a healers shop about anywhere, and now that I'm close to Lindenrouge I can hopefully get some by passing through.

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