Chapter 5: momma bear

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"Of course i do"

Canada walked into the gates wearing a cloak but under it would surprise you. he wore pants that only came to below his knees, a shirt that looked like a crop top and gloves that were suffocating his hands, the glorious outfit Ukraine gave him because anyone would recognize him in his old clothes but at least he could change back when they met up again.
    He felt his anxiety heightened as he walked down the main road, the small glances he got felt like long stares, did they recognize him? Were they going to tell a guard? Getting caught in these clothes would be a nightmare, he looked incredibly gay so his brother would go off the rails.

     Walking down the street he came to the metal gateway that loomed over the road, the road leading to the castle- it looked bigger now, it towering above him unlike before when he was used to it.
     He had only been out for a day but his eyes had already gotten used to the forest environment. Lowering his head because of a guard he kept walking down the road, his eyes only focused on his feet with the occasional glance up, shifts to the side until he got to the castle's outer walls.
    Luckily he knew every nook and cranny of the castle, there was a door that was never locked around the back but it had security- but since he knew the guard shifts he knew Italy would be working so he knew exactly how to get him off topic.
     As Canada turned the corner that led to the back Ukraine watched from a tree that was outside the kingdom walls. If Ukraine was honest he didn't think he would get this far but it was funny to know that what Canada was wearing suited him well. Canada finally approached Italy with a kind smile, the cloak wrapped around his body and his head lower than usual
"Hello good sir" Canada lowered his voice, making it more masculine as he tried to start up a conversation with Italy, which wasn't hard to.
"Hello! Are you just passing by?" Italy's cheery tone gave Canada some serotonin, he missed seeing him on shift- he was always so happy and gullible, it gave him instant relief.
As they chatted Ukraine broke a twig from the branch he was on and threw it to a bush that was near them, catching Italy's attention. Italy looked at the ruffled bush before turning back towards Canada
"I've got to cut this conversation short I'm afraid but I'll be back-" Italy waved him off, quickly leaving Canada's sight to check out the bush, Canada taking it as a go ahead, the door being unlocked and easy to open.
     Seeing this whole thing go down only made Ukraine snicker and smile, this dork really just snuck into a highly secure fortress like it was nothing- but yet again he used to live there.
    Canada sped past the weapon shelves on each side of the room before taking a sharp turn to the right, leading him to a staircase that led to the main floor. The whole atmosphere felt cold and congested, the thick air scratching the back of his nose and the smell of BO making him cringe. To think he used to spend his time here!
    After the flight of stairs he finally reached the door that cut off this dungeon from the rest of the castle, the door was in the same wing as the maids headquarters and luckily knights barely went down the hall.
    Canada opened the wooden door, the small creek echoing down the hall but the chatter of the maids made it almost unknown. He held his breath as his pace quickened down the hall, the patting of his feet on the stone floor following every step. All he needed to do was to get to his bed room, throw a few things in a bag and get back to Ukraine, that was the only thing on his mind at that moment. Seems easy enough but it's not when you try and do it yourself.
    Soon enough he got to the main hall, the hall where the staircase up to his room was, finally! This tetanus journey was finally coming to an end! Slowly he peeked around the corner only to see a couple of guards and- his mother?? Why were they talking to her out of all people? His curiosity got him too interested to pass this by- plus he had to wait it out anyways.
"Why aren't you believing us!! You have five witnesses right here that are all telling the truth!!" The stern tone came from no other then the American, while the rest of his 'sidekicks' were by his side agreeing with him as always
"I've already told you boys. you're known for blaming everything on him so I'm not believing that nonsense. Your father sent out a search party to look and that's all we can do" his mother's softer, more calmer voice rang throughout the lobby, Frances voice alone giving Canada comfort but then it hit him- she was standing up for him! By not believing America or not letting him have control over the situation she was stopping the worst from happening to him! That thought alone made him smile to himself, secretly thanking her.
    "Move along now, father has more tasks for you to do, shu" she waved them off, America stamers to try and get her to listen were shushed as she walked away. It was funny to see America throw a small fit before turning, walking past his friends and out the main doors. Hearing the slam ring in the hall brought him back to the 'mission' he was on, he could still hear the clicking of his mother's heels on the floor- but she wasn't in sight so he ran for it.

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