Chapter 4: Moving forward

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"Also stop hanging out with the athe- it's embarrassing"


Biting my lip I tried to come up with an excuse as to why I smelt like one but my mind only drew blanks
"I'm not hanging out with one! You know how much I'm scared of them- spending time with one would scare the socks off of me" that's the only thing my mouth could get out, but after I realized how much that would've offended Ukraine if he was still listening, making me cringe
"Suuuure, it's hard to lie when you're covered in its scent" he snarled down at me- the sweet scent was still on my nose so the fact that I could still smell it told me that they could as well.
"I know you're growing up a bit more each day and it pisses me off" his firm tone threw me off, Was I really getting more mature? If anything i thought i was getting worse,,, Well coming from an older sibling it was nice but not right now in this moment

"If you mature anymore you'll take the crown before me- and we all how the kingdom would go to shit if you got control" his voice raised to a more aggressive holler when he said shit, my once steady stance was now shaky at that, he always did this so I felt like I should be used to this but the words he was spitting now as well as the giggles from his friends proved me wrong. Now holding back tears I just nodded to his words, giving him enough power to share more words- a smug smile appearing, one that would haunt my dreams
"Told you guys! He cries at everything and anything that comes his way" their laugh echoed through my ears, it pushed the first tear out so it could hit the dirt below, great. Now I'm gonna cry in front of multiple people instead of one
"I- I think that's enou-"
"You can't say shit cripple, speaking of which I'll make ur face look like a pig if you talk back again, got it?"


Of course I didn't leave him that easily, it was so sudden that I didn't have time to get far enough away, forcing me to hide behind a bush- it being close enough to hear everything. The words hurt to know that they were directed towards the sweetest person that I've met, was this all just because he was too nice once in a while? I was pissed enough as I listened to this but when he tried to stand up for himself just to get shut down instantly that was the last straw,,, but now thinking, how could I help if I'm not even allowed to be in the kingdom? Could I possibly make a trap without them noticing? That's it! Set a trap on the way back to it would trap the others but not Canada!
My quick thinking might come in handy more than I thought.

After coming up with that conclusion I scattered around looking for sticks and vines, my hunting skills coming handy as I moved from tree to tree, still being quiet so they wouldn't think much about it.
Using my wings for coverage I weaved in the bushes and trees, it was easy to find enough things for it in this environment so I quickly went to work, branding the vines together while also wrapping some sticks in around the corners to make more of a sturdier rim.

Soon enough I had a whole mechanism that was connected to a makeshift net, I chose the path that was the most used but also the closest to where they were at the moment. Finally the trap was set for the dicks, but I didn't know how smart those jerks were so I had to put leaves over it- making more noise than I wanted but they must've heard it because they had started walking back, going off of the chatter getting louder.
Thankfully I was in the bushes by the time they had come down the path but my eyes tracked their faces. The american had a grin on his face, bigger than all the others but when my eyes landed on Canada my heart dropped.
His eyes were puffy from crying and his arms were positioned as if he was giving himself a hug. I took note but now the more I looked there was now blood on his eyebrow. Did those motherfuckers beat him?! It looked like it and my brain was too pumped to think clearly at the moment.
Following them to the trap I waited for all of them to be on the net, thankfully none of them noticed the uneven ground but I could tell Canada did, him stopping and helping my plan even more.

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