Chapter 3: Freinds?

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Chapter 3

It maybe took him a minute before his eyes finally landed on other ones, the glow of them finding him easier than the surrounding darkness of the tree.

"Who's there?! You're- you're trespassing on the land of Amaruteria!" He took some steps back away from the tree, but he didn't get far before he was stopped from the sheer pain and stabbed at his leg. The pain was as if it was pulsing, but before he had to deal with that. He had to deal with this duty first, Canada was somewhat confident until he saw it jump down quickly after there was a thud.

With it coming closer he tried limping away again but the pain was too much, him huffing as he tried putting pressure on the main gashes, completely giving up on trying to go away. 'If this was a bandit, or anything at all coming towards me, then they could take me out of his misery.' Canada had thought. The soft padded sound of something walking towards him.

Canada's eyes looked up from his leg, he couldn't see their face from the shadow but he took note of the notable horns poking out from the hood, as well as the big wings attached on their back. All the characteristics of an athelard citizen. Now that he thought about it, he didn't have any time to truly think before they handed out their gloved hand.
It made him flinch of course, they were actually holding it out to help him..? The other actually bends over a bit for more help. Not putting any pressure on his leg he managed to stand back up, his wound still bleeding but at least it was drying up a bit.

"Thank you so much, I owe you my life" he chuckled, him wobbling on his leg before the other gave support.
"How may I repay yo-"
"No need"
Canada was cut off by the person, which shocked him for a second. Making his head look up almost automatically. The other was taking off their hood now, resting on their shoulders once he was actually able to focus.
"Just giving back." The face that was now visible was the face of the thief he spared a few months back, the kind smile on his face shocking him even more. His jaw dropped.

"You!? Why are you here? You should be far from lindenrouge by now.." Canada frantically asked, not even realizing he was throwing a hundred questions at a stranger, before they could even answer.
"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to, but god I never thought you'd talk my ear off after almost dying" they huffed, moving to his side to get Canada to stand up more so they could start moving back towards the castle.
"I never thought you'd be taller to-" Canada was thrown off at that statement but shrugged it off since it wasn't important and it was useless to ask about it.
"How did you know I'd be here?-" Canada tilted his head down and toward them. Now looking at them he wondered why he didn't recognize them any sooner.
"I'm camping nearby, heard you talking to something so I came to see what was up. That's not the issue right now though, we need to get you back inside those walls so you can get medical attention for your injury."

They helped him walk through, then chatted to try to know the other better and Canada actually got the name of the kind stranger. It was Ukraine but he said he would rather go by uki, so Canada respected it and he could tell ukI was thankful, another person that Canada made thankful.
"Oh wait" Canada paused in his pace, making Ukraine stop as well. Canada scanned the forest, the moonlight slowly turning the forest more pink as the sky slowly changed while the birds chirped and became lively.

"What? You forgot something-" right when he was almost done Canada whistled softly, his throat still being sore from yelling. Maybe two second later Ukraine saw a source of blue light swerving through the trees- it coming straight for them.
"Is that???" Ukraine was in awe
"It's true! The legend is true!!"

"Is it what? Ohhhh. This is what I was talking to when you heard me walking, why are you so shocked?" the wisp was back at Canada's side but this time shaking, it almost failed its job so to say the least it was traumatized but it got distracted when it saw the new partner Canada had found, it whistling to ask who was that
"This is-"
"How in the hell did you get that?!" Ukraine was just shocked, this wimp had managed to get a ghostlight to be by his side- who dared to get one had to go through so many difficult terranes and oceans and this guy didn't look like he could hurt a fly!!

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