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With Nagisa/Kayano

"Hey Nagisa!" Kayano called out, waving to Nagisa from across the field. Nagisa stopped and turned around. He smiled slightly and waved back.

Kayano ran to where Nagisa was, catching up to him. "Hey Kayano." Nagisa greeted, walking alongside her. "It's rare to see you before school starts. You usually reach way earlier than the rest of us." Kayano noted, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah... I woke up late... Mom wasn't too happy about that..." Nagisa replied, chuckling a little. 

"That's too bad. Though I bet you were staying up all night. Most likely trying to find a way to assassinate Koro Sensei." Kayano teased. It brought out a laugh from Nagisa.

Both of them elapsed into a comfortable silence, taking comfort in each other's presence.  Together, they started the climb up the long flight of stairs leading to Class 3-E.

"You know..." Kayano started quietly, trailing off. Nagisa hummed in response, glancing at Kayano. She had lowered her head, eyes not meeting Nagisa's.  

"What's wrong?" Nagisa asked after a while, stopping on the steps. Kayano had gone completely silent. Nagisa found it a little unsettling.

"Just... A little idea... If you would like... After school... Would you... You know..." Kayano trailed off, incapable of putting her thoughts into words. Nagisa tilted his head to the side, waiting patiently. 

"After school... Would you like to..." Kayano forced out, trailing off once again. She couldn't help but feel nervous. Well... It was to be expected in this situation. Kayano fiddled with the hem of her jacket, trying to find the right words to say. She felt her face heat up as time passed. Come on... Come on... What do I say?! Kayano thought, completely panicked. She couldn't stand the awkwardness any longer.

"It's fine. It doesn't matter. Let's go." Kayano decided after a moment, smiling tightly. She bounded up the stairs quickly, trying to get away from Nagisa as fast as possible. Kayano had never felt as embarrassed as she was at that moment. She couldn't believe that she just gave up after going so far. 

"Huh? Are you sure? It sounded important!" Nagisa called out, racing after Kayano. He was a little confused about Kayano's actions. More than a little.

"I told you! It doesn't matter!" 


Silhouttes appeared from the forest surronding Class 3-E, slowly crowding together.

"Did you see that? Nagisa and Kayano..."

"Yeah, I did."

"Kayano makes it too obvious... I can hardly stand watching her..."

"Yeah. Poor Kayano... Nagisa doesn't notice anything at all..."

"Guys. We shouldn't be doing this. Does it really matter? In the end, it's all up to the both of them."

"Yeah. Isn't it better to leave Nagisa and Kayano alone?"

"I don't think we have the right to do anything."

"I agree. We're meddling in their business. It feels wrong..."

"Seriously? Are you kidding? Open your eyes. Kayano needs our help. Even if it doesn't work in the end." 

"Yeah. We're going to regret it if we do nothing. Trust me." 

"I agree. Let's do it." 

"Fine... Don't blame us if something goes wrong..."

"We tried to warn you guys..." 

"It's settled then. We're going to help Nagisa and Kayano."

"We're going to need to do something about Kayano. I'll think of something later. We'll talk again."


With that, the silhouttes faded back into the shadows. 

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