Strategy #5 - Dinner Date

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With Karma/Kayano/Nakamura

"Nakamura..." Isogai started slowly, trailling off.

"Yes?" Nakamura replied, obviously thinking that there's nothing wrong.

There was something very wrong.

"What are we doing in front of this... place...?" Isogai asked, looking up at the place that Nakamura had brought everyone to. It looked... extravagant. To a student, at least. Let's leave it at that. Everyone felt their pockets slowly grow lighter and lighter as the figurative coins disappeared one at a time.

"Glad you asked!" Nakamura called gleefully, clapping her hands together. She stepped in front of the group, turning around to face everyone.

"Introducing Strategy #5! Dinner Date! One of my best strategies yet!" 

Nakamura stood proudly at the head of the pack, puffing her chest with a large smile on her face. 

All Nakamura hoped for was a little praise.

Just a little.




"Ok. Yes. Right. One question. What's Dinner Date?" Terasaka asked, breaking the silence, being ever so straightforward.


Terasaka! Nice!

The feeling was unanimous among the people gathered there. Terasaka had saved all of them from doing the task of asking Nakamura to explain. 

"Do I have to spell everything clearly? Seriously? Read between the lines a little!" Nakamura sighed, shaking her head disappointedly. It always ended up like this. I guess I should've expected this, working with this bunch of idiots... Nakamura groaned inwardly, resigning herself to the fate of always explaining obvious things to other people.

"Yes. Hurry. This is getting awkward..." Maehara trailed off, glancing at the people walking around the group. Everyone glanced at them as they walked by, some whispering among themselves. The stares are unnerving. Though it's only natural. A bunch of teenagers gathered outside a restaurant, staning around doing nothing. They were still wearing their uniforms... 

"Fine. Fine." Nakamura sighed, pushing her hair behind her shoulder. She stood up straight and looked right at them with a determined fire in her eyes.

"Operation NagiKae! Strategy #5: Dinner Date!" Nakamura called again, looking ever so proud of herself. 

"We're going to have a little dinner with Nagisa, Karma, everyone here. We'll leave slowly, one by one, leaving Nagisa and Kayano behind to have a nice little dinner together. It's the greatest plan of all time! It's flawless! It's definitely going to work this time!" Nakamura exclaimed determinedly, smiling to herself. 

"Questionable..." Terasaka mumbled to himself, sighing. Though Nakamura still heard him. Loud and clear. It's only a matter of time before Terasaka dies at Nakamura's hands. 

"Is it really going to work this time? Graduation is coming up soon. We'll have to focus on other things. Like Koro Sensei and improving our grades..." Sugino trailed off, though Nakamura understood perfectly. Time is of the essence. 

"We'll be fine. As long as all us have the excuses ready. You did prepare them...?" Nakamura asked, raising an eyebrow at the others, keen eyes ready to see through all types of lies. 

Everyone gulped nervously, looking at each other briefly before nodding their heads. It's better to save themselves first, then come up with something to really save themselves. 

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