Strategy #4 - Bento Lunch

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With Karma/Kayano/Nakamura

"Alright. Strategy #3: Under The Umbrella. Failed."


Silence passed as everyone stared at Nakamura.

"What is it?" Nakamura asked, feeling everyone's stares. It's a little unsettling. 

"Seriously?" Terasaka asked, breaking the shocked silence. 

"Yes. Seriously." Nakamura replied curtly, sighing quietly.

"Why? Nagisa and Kayano managed to walk home together. Isn't that enough?" Isogai cut in, tilting his head to the side in confusion. Nakamura seemed happy about it back then.

But Nakamura shook her head, folding her arms. "Nope. It's barely enough for Nagisa to notice Kayano's feelings. He's that much of a dense guy. Of course, it's still great that Kayano has managed to take that first step." Nakamura smiled at Kayano as she said this. 

"After this, Kayano will have to continue to do things to make Nagisa notice her." Nakamura continued, addressing everyone this time. 

"Right... Right..." Karma replied, mumbling to himself. He's in a bad mood. It isn't because of Nakamura's sudden declaration. It's becuase of something else. Karma had a bad feeling about something since the day before. It stirred up his insides. Though he couldn't put a finger on what is was. 

Something feels off... Karma thought, closing his eyes. Nagisa and Kayano flashed through his thoughts, taking over everything. Smiling. Talking. Laughing. Together.

Stop that. No. You'll focus on this first. Focus. Karma thought commandingly, snapping himself out of it. Not the time. Not the time. Not the time. Not the time. Not the time. 

Not the time. 

"That being the case... there's a lot to do! Operation NagiKae is still in progress!" Nakamura called out gleefully, clapping her hands together. 

"Of course..." Sugino muttered, shaking his head slightly. Everyone shared a collective sigh. He should've known. Everyone should've known.

"Alright then. What are we going to do?" Isogai asked, folding his arms. It's time to get things started once again.

"Kayano!" Nakamura called out cheerfully, gesturing for Kayano to take something out of her bag. 

"Right. Coming." Kayano replied, walking up to the front with Nakamura. 

Kayano hesitated, one hand reaching into the open bag. "Nakamura... Really? Is this necessary?" Kayano asked unsurely, fidgeting in her place. 

"Of course! Give it to me." Nakamura assured, taking Kayano's bag. She fished something out of the bag, holding it up truimphantly.

It was a box.

A lunch box.

A bento box. 

"Is that lunch? Kayano. Did you bring a homemade lunch box?" Terasaka asked, walking over to take a closer look. 

"Yes. She did. I asked Kayano to make it last night." Nakamura replied, putting the box out of Terasaka's grasp with a little glare. 

"Really? If that's the case, let's take a little look." Sugino crept up behind Nakamura and took it into his hands, quickly taking the cover off. 

"Woah..." Maehara trailed off, looking over Sugino's shoulder. Okajima whistled in appreciation as people crowded around to take a peek.

Needless to say, the lunch box was intricately made. 

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