Train Rides Are Always Fun

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With Nagisa/Karma/Kayano/Nakamura

"Thanks for coming."

The door closed behind them as Nagisa, Karma, Nakamura and Kayano all walked away together, having finished their dinner. 


All of them. 


Karma and Nakamura stayed all the way through the dinner.


Because it was a little harder than Nakamura originally thought to escape.

Especially after the nonsense that the others pulled.

"Oh my God... Oh my God... So expensive... All of that food... How much was that...? Oh my God..." Nagisa mumbled to himself, still in a slight state of shock. Carried in his hands were two big bags, filled with boxes of food. 23 of them. 


Because with everything that had happened, the others had completely forgotten that there was still 27 orders of food cooking in the kitchen. 


And Nagisa ended up paying for everything.

And I mean, everything.

"Oh my God... Oh my God... I'll have to live off grass for a while... Oh no... Mom's going to kill me... How do I explain all this food...?" Nagisa whined, on the verge of crying. Understandable, though. He had probably blown through all his allowance for that month. Maybe the one after that, too.

"Well... Sorry..." Nakamura apologised, feeling slightly at fault. It was hard to look at Nagisa, suffering like that.

"Cheer up. You'll be able to bring something to school every day. It's alright." Karma added, patting Nagisa on the back, taking one of the bags from him, helping him with the load.

"Thanks... I guess that's something good... Hopefully..." Nagisa sighed once again, shaking his head slowly. The food had already been paid for. There's nothing else he can do. 

The four walked in silence, back to the train station near Kunugigaoka Junior High School. 

"Here's where we say goodbye." Karma said, stopping near the entrance to the station. 

"I guess so..." Nakamura glanced at the clock on the wall. It was getting a little late. It's a little dangerous for us to be walking around so late... Especially for us girls... Though I'm sure Kayano will be able to handle herself, if anything actually happens... Nakamura glanced back at Kayano, humming in thought.

Then, a fabulous idea landed in Nakamura's head. 

"I know! Nagisa, bring Kayano home! You know where she lives! Make sure to bring her home safely!" Nakamura ordered, pushing Kayano towards Nagisa. 

"Huh? Hold on. Huh?" Nagisa asked, fumbling over his words. Having such a big order piled on him all of a sudden. 

"You heard me. Us girls have to be careful, especially when it's so late. Of course, I'm more than capable of handling myself. Kayano is like a delicate flower. You have to be extra careful." Nakamura shrugged, a smug smile on her face as she gestured towards Kayano. 

"Nakamura... That's..." Nagisa sighed. Saying it was a little mean would be a severe understatement. 

"It's the truth. Go on. I'm sure Kayano has nothing to say about it. We'll see each other again on Monday." Nakamura pushed the two of them together, waving them off to the station's entrance. 

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