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With Karma/Kayano/Nakamura

"Tell me..." 

The others gulped in fear, their hands trembling. 

"You idiots..." 

Here it comes! 

"No one remembered the things I said!" Nakamura screamed, her words whipping the others like a sharp wind. Her face was as red as lava, her hands gripping the edge of her shirt. Nakamura was livid. There was no doubt about it. 

"Sorry..." Okajima muttered, suddenly feeling slightly responsible for the things that had happened. I feel guilty... It is my fault, after ... Okajima thought, sighing inwardly. Who could blame Nakamura for being this angry? Anyone would be. 

"Sorry?! It's too late for that! You made me look like a fool!" Nakamura screamed again, on the verge of throwing a table at them. All of them. If I had a real knife... Nakamura thought, gritting her teeth angrily.

"Come on... You're exaggerating..." Terasaka mumbled, thinking his voice would be masked over by Nakamura's screaming. 

He was wrong. 

Everyone heard him.

Every. Single. Word. 

Terasaka... You're really going to die...!

"Terasaka... Fine then. Let's start with Terasaka's group." Nakamura turned around, a calm smile on her face. 

Terasaka only had one thought in his head. 

Oh no...

"Yoshida, Muramatsu... Was it Muramatsu's house that was on fire? And Yoshida's bushes which someone crashed into?" Nakamura asked, glaring the both of them down. Yoshida and Muramatsu cowered in fear, lowering their heads. It was the only choice the both of them had. 

"Moving on..." Nakamura stared at the girls from up above. "I hope it was fun, learning how to do gymnastics. I heard Itona had a hand in it." Nakamura snarled, sending shivers down all their spines. 

"Huh? When did I...?" Itona started, though he was quickly stopped by Sugino's hand.

"I'll explain everything later..." Sugino whispered harshly, smiling in Nakamura's direction. 

"You guys..." Nakamura quickly moved on, leaving only burn wounds in her path. "Who's idea was it to leave it up to Okajima? You should've known that only nonsense comes from his mouth." Nakamura snapped. She closed her eyes, sighing deeply. Even the thought of remembering the idiocy that Okajima displayed angered her. 

"Chiba and Hayami..." Nakamura smiled coldly. "How were the pigeons? Easy? Hard? I hope there were enough." Nakamura flung her hair over her shoulder and walked away. She glanced at Takebayashi and Okuda, looking them up and down.

"Hmm... Your excuse was ok. You're off the hook." Nakamura said. Little fireworks exploded in their hearts. Their guardian angels were working hard. 

"In the end..." Nakamura turned back around to face everyone, folding her arms. "It was a disaster. The dinner was ruined and Karma brought Nagisa home. Ridiculous..." Nakamura sighed, shaking her head slowly. 

"Hold on. Karma brought Nagisa home? I thought it would be Kayano..." Kurahashi asked, speaking up. She asked the question all of them had been wondering. Everyone turned to Kayano, though she only shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"Karma over here had something to ask Nagisa." Nakamura replied sarcastically, sighing once again, absolutely infuriated. Remembering it made her blood boil. At this rate, I'll definitely have high blood pressure when graduation rolles around... Calm down, Nakamura... Calm down... Nakamura placed a finger on her neck, taking slow deep breaths.

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