A Piece Of The Heart

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With Kayano/Nakamura

"Let's go then. Time is of the essence." Nakamura beckoned for Kayano to follow along as she started on the path down the hill that Class 3-E stood on.

"Nakamura... Was that ok? With Karma? I think we should apologise..." Kayano trailed off, unsure how Nakamura would answer. She did feel bad for Karma. After all, she was the one who needed help. She roped him into this. Well... Nakamura did, at least.

"Of course. He deserved that. I'm sure Karma knows it too." Nakamura replied, shrugging her shoulders. She felt a little refreshed after the whole thing happened. 

"Nakamura..." Kayano sighed, shaking her head slowly. She could read her like a book. Nakamura would do well to hide her feelings a little more... Kayano thought, looking on as Nakamura walked proudly beside her, clearly pleased with herself. 

"It's already over. Now, all we have to do is figure some other plan to help Operation NagiKae reach its goal." Nakamura nodded her head, gears turning once again. Something... Anything... Come on, brain... Nakamura tsked, biting her lip in thought. Things were getting harder and harder for her.


"I see her!" 

"There she is! Over there!"

"Oi! Nakamura!"

"Hold up!" 

Nakamura and Kayano stopped in their tracks, turning around to see the others racing down the hill, running after them. 

"Nakamura! You're here! We were looking all over!" Okuda called, breathing hard as the large group finally reached them. 

"Really? I thought everyone would've gone home already..." Nakamura replied, tilting her head to the side. And all of them are here, at that... Nakamura thought. It was definitely strange. 

"We're here... to offer something as a token of apology." Isogai stepped aside, clearing the path for a huge box to come through. It was carried by Terasaka and Itona, who placed it on the ground in front of Nakamura. 

"Woah..." Nakamura trailed off. It was quite big. Bigger than Nakamura had thought the token would be. 

"It's a cake!" Hara called from the back of the group, smiling brightly. "Chocolate Fudge Cake!" She would know, of course. 

"Ooh... Looks good..." Nakamura nodded her head in approval, slowly looking over the cake. It was quite a good-looking cake, with swirls lining the edges. "Is this the token of apology? Who paid for this?"

"Well... Kurahashi, Terasaka, Okajima and Chiba." Isogai listed their names. "It was their idea, after all." 

"It was our fault that Dinner Date was ruined." Kurahashi bowed her head. 

"It's something to make up for it." Okajima added, hiding his fear witha weak smile. 

"We hope it's enough. We tried to find a good cake." Chiba poked Terasaka in his side, forcing him to continue. 

"Ugh.. Just take it already..." Terasaka mumbled, looking elsewhere. 

A small smile graced Nakamura's lips. These guys... Jokers... Nakamura thought, picking the whole box up. 

"Alright then. I will take this token of apology. You're all off the hook." Nakamura decided, turning around and walking away. She could hear the sighs of relief from the others, as everyone patted each other on the back for a job well done. Though I'm sure this will happen again... Nakamura sighed. She'll have to cross that bridge when she gets there. 

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