Chapter 5

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Natalie and Brianne met up and went on a total of 8 dates over the next year and a half. They were both really happy, and at this point, Natalie owned her own café.

For their first date, they had a picnic in the forest. On their second date, they watched a sunset over a castle on the hill. Third date, they attempted to create a phone. Fourth date, they tried to create other types of technology. Their fifth, sixth and seventh dates were picnics, watching the sunrise, and going to the beach and soaking each other.

6 months after their seventh date, Natalie and Brianne met up at the local café that Natalie owned and greeted each other at the door, "Welcome, to my café your Highness," Natalie said as she curtsied.

"Hello, thank you for having me here," the Princess laughed.

They walked inside and ordered each other some food to eat. Natalie got down on one knee while the workers were busy and proposed to Brianne.

"Princess Brianne, you have made me the happiest woman alive, will you marry me?" while a tear slipped down her face.

"Yes, yes I will marry you, Natalie," Princess Brianne said.

Natalie slipped the ring on Brianne's finger and quickly sat in her seat, just in time for the workers coming back through.

What they did not realise was that some of the workers did not like the Princess and the food that Natalie ordered for Brianne was poisoned, she had unintentionally gotten the princess killed. 

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