Chapter 7

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*At the forest*

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a lake, it was murky, and nobody would see her if she jumped in. The townsfolk ran into the forest and tried to stop her but she fought them off, with difficulty. She ran around the forest hiding from the townsfolk, but one of them snuck up on her and apprehended her.

Natalie flailed her legs around.

The person whispered, "Calm down, it's me."

Natalie calmed almost instantly. 'Hold on,' Natalie thought. 'This person sounds familiar, but it can't be them. There's no way.'

The person said "OK buttercup, that was rude, it's me. Also, maybe when you think, don't say it out loud," and they laughed while getting off of Natalie and helping her up.

Natalie said "H-how is it you? You are the last person I expected to see here."

The person took their disguise off and laughed "Well, let's say my family wouldn't let me go that easily snowflake. Now, I have a country to surprise, coming?" They held out their hand.

Natalie laughed along and took their hand, "Well of course I'm coming, Princess. Why wouldn't I surprise your people?"

The person put their disguise back on quickly and the two walked to the town centre. 

*At the town centre*

The townsfolk were there waiting as the two walked into the palace. The two walked onto the balcony and the guards blew the trumpets for their speech.

Everyone gathered around and they spoke, "Well hello Scotland, good to see you again. It's been a while," the person took their disguise off. "I'm happy to be here, here is my fiancée, Natalie MacBeth, soon to be one of the following, depending on which she chooses, Lady Natalie, Natalie, Duchess of Ayrshire, Princess Natalie of Scotland."

"Welcome back Princess Brianne. Lovely to have you back!" Everyone cheered, grinning.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" whispered Natalie to Brianne.

"Natural gift I guess," Brianne whispered back, "Kidding, I was taught in case I was attacked."

Natalie nodded, "OK, we should wrap the speech up," she whispered.

"Goodnight everyone" Brianne concluded her speech. Everyone went home, the two women went inside to Brianne's room.

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