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Art: Scar Kisses by Alison Smith  (Me)

So I accidentally rewrote this whole book.

Upon starting this whole reconstruction process, I always assumed book 3 would be the easiest because I liked the way the story turned out, and it was written the most recently. However, after I reread it, and when I read a lot of your comments, I realized I lost a lot of characterization for many of the characters. (Not gonna lie, I also kinda hate hearing my comfort character being constantly called a bitch although I didn't do her any favors in the first version so I don't mind. You are welcome to your own opinions about Katara.)

I think the way Kida originally handled Zuko's betrayal was sort of...too healthy for her? She was upset but not really and I don't think that's Kida's character. She defines herself by her anger and her ability to fight. She should be ballistic if someone she loves gets hurt, especially if someone she trusted helped cause it.

I also really enjoyed sort of mirroring Kida and Zuko. Kida becomes obsessed with getting revenge like Zuko was about getting his honor – she's very temperamental and unreasonable and all that good book 1 Zuko stuff. In comparison, Zuko is trying to reason being in love with her and not being a traitor like Kida had done in book 1. They've both done a 180 of each other.

In addition, I wanted to focus more on Kida's dynamic with her siblings and how much of a parent she truly has been to them. She is not domestic but she is maternal. And there are other things I worked on but I honestly suggest just rereading the whole thing because it's so much better.

I've finished editing and reconstructing Book 3. Below is the master list of all of the largest changes:

1: Understanding – In the original version I called Kida a 'spirit guide' something like Jinora but I decided to change that. Also she speaks to Hakoda.

2: Eastern Fleet – Kida is furious with the Fire Nation.

3: Failure – Showing off Kida's powers a little at the end.

4: Kiss and Run – New chapter & Takumi?

5: What You Deserve – Kida does not trust the Fire Nation

7: Not in Vain – Kida and Hama talk

9: Her Heaven His Hell – Katara is less of a bitch (oops)

10: Don't Let Go – Kida's necklace backstory/Kida's birthday

12: The Traitor – Zuko and Gaang moments

16: Romance or Tragedy – A gift from Zuko

18: Little Sister – Tiny change you might figure out

22: Savage Seductress – New chapter, the infamous play

25: A Friend – Kida and Zuko fluff

27: Blue Dragon – Sisterly bonding time

29: Through the Ice – Bloodbending can heal?

Take a peek at my inspirations:

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