Chapter 1

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"STOP IT." All the noise in the conference room went silent.

"That's better. Now I have three points to make here. One, you're all giving me tremendous headaches it's not even funny. Two, I cannot believe every single allegation told here were big fat lies. And three, I've had enough of this garbage. ENOUGH. All you reporters think it's cute to make up lies about me? That I don't have feelings? That I'm just some inhuman robot that sings and dances and let's you talk crap about me because you think I don't care? You think I don't hurt and cry everyday from you people calling me all that crap? Well I DO. So from now on, I'm not going to stand there quietly while I have defenders out there for me. No, I'm going to defend myself even more now. Because I really am I good person. But the media doesn't view me like that, am I right? You're messing with the public's mind, with my fans. Well that's just no good. I know I'm in public television right now, and I'm sure you're going to edit this footage to make it seem I'm the bad guy. Whatever, go ahead. I dare you. But to my fans viewing this, I love you all very much, and I know you've seen a darker side of me today, but I had to. I know you've guys had enough of their garbage too. I'm done now, thanks for nothing."

Michael walked out the conference doors nonchalantely, leaving everyone shocked, the camera's still rolling to millions of people worldwide watching at that very instant.


What has been going unknown, is that a young journalist by the name of Ann Roberts had started her first job with going to interview the King Of Pop, Michael Jackson.

'Well, I guess not anymore,' she thought to herself, deep down wanting to because she appreciated Michael's work and called herself a fan.

"ROBERTS!" Her thoughts were snapped back to reality when a plump middle aged man who was already bald probably due to the stress yelled at her from across the hall. It was her arrogant boss, Julius.

Ann rolled her eyes, she mainly hated her job because of him, Julius made everyone's job a living hell, not to mention celebrities lives too.

Ann fought every urge to back lash him, it was her only job that offered well pay and she can't let it go to waste when she has financial problems of her own.

"Yes, Julius?"

"It's Mr. Jones to you, Roberts. Now I want you to go after Jackson, and see everything that that nothing for good robot is up to. Report back to me with the information so we have the good juices to finally end him."

'WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THAT' Ann thought her mind, her face already heating red with anger.

"Do I make myself clear, Roberts?!"

Ann swallowed hard, letting herself calm a bit before finally answering a simple, "Yes sir."

"Good! Now GO and don't come back until we have everything we want to bury Jackson!" Julius laughed at his own joke, though Ann found nothing funny in it.

Ann sighed heavily, knowing what she was about to do would have bad consequences.

Walking down the same hallway he ran out from, Ann followed in search of meeting Michael Jackson.

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