Chapter 5

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I've reached 50+ readers! So happy and hope you guys will continue reading, please vote and comment so I know I'm doing alright. (: This chapter is dedicated to KashonaShaniece, thanks for voting. x


Ann cursed myself for being too weak, she cannot afford being attached to Michael that way. But still, looking into his past made her upset. She didn't think Michael hated what he was going through, in a way she thought he didn't have personal feelings of his own, just like every celebrity out there. She knew it was wrong to judge him like that as well as with everyone like him, after all, how would she know what it's like if she's not even famous?

After brunch, the two awkwardly stood outside the cafe, not knowing in all honesty what to do next.

"Umm... I better get going Michael. See you around for the next interview?"

Michael nodded, a smile threatening to form in his face but decided against it. 

"Can I have your number? You know, to call you for the next date I MEAN appointment?"

Ann's face flushed bright red, and wanted to slap herself for saying date. She surprisenly had no regrets of saying it though. Michael really then smiled, nodded again and asked for her notebook. In the back of the book he quickly wrote his ten digit number and handed it back to her. Ann's face was still flushed red, she muttered a thank you before both parting their ways.

With Ann walking away she glanced one last time to see Michael staring at her too. She quickly looked forward again and couldn't deny the butterflies forming in her stomach. 'Damn this'

Her phone rang, distracting her thoughts. 

She looked at the caller I.D, and groaned. 

It was Julius.

"What?" She spat, she was not in the mood for him ever.

"Calm yourself down little girl. I want you to report to the office now, and let me see what you've got of Jackson."


She realized she hasn't wrote anything down yet. She'd just have to make up things on her own then.

"Okay." She muttered before hanging up on him.

She found a bench close by where she decided to sit herself down and scribble nonesense in her notebook about Michael. She hated the fact she was doing this, but there was no other way out of it.

In the notebook she wrote:

Jackson's weak

Accusations true

He doesn't want to be famous- hates his life and everyone in it


She needed one more, and she hated herself for writing it, because it was horrible:

a wacko jacko.

She wanted to punch herself in the throat, as if she herself was writing all the horrible lies. Oh wait. She was.

She muttered a sorry to herself and to Michael, even though he wasn't around her and stood up and began walking to the NYC news building.

"I'm here to see Julius. I'm one of his employees." Ann told the receptionist at the front desk upon arriving.

She nodded her head, "Go ahead."

Going up the elevator and making her way down the hall, she knocked on his door.


Ann covered her eyes momentarily deaf before walking in.

There he was, a lonely plump man who has nothing better to do in his life than to ruin people's life for a quick buck. But then again she did the same.

"So?! Where is it?!" 

Ann rolled her eyes at her boss, before retrieving the notebook out of her bag to hand to him.

Julius eagerly took it away from her hands, and flipped to the last page of her writing.

He smiled in an evil like matter, liking all the comments Ann made. She bit her lip, guilt rushing all over her body.

"I love it! Goodness yes! You out did yourself Roberts! If the accusations are true this will crush him since it came out of his mouth! Perfect! And we'll put your name in the headlines for catching the fool!"

Ann's eyes grew wide, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

"No... Mr. Jones I think it's best if you keep me out of this... maybe put your name on it?"

"Nonsense! You did the work, you deserve the credit! Oh this is priceless!" Julius was estatic for all the wrong reasons, quickly giving the notebook back to Ann and standing up. 

"Get more things if you can! We'll begin writing the paper in a week from today!" With that Julius did a little dance before leaving the office.

Ann's heart stopped. She couldn't believe she did this. To Michael.

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