Chapter 4

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Dedicating this chapter to wolfsey3333! Thanks for reading love. (:


 The following morning, Michael was extremely nervous all of the sudden. Why? Michael couldn't even respond to his own question. Was it because he's having brunch with a reporter? No... That can't be it. Was he scared he'd hurt her? Probably... he's been let down a lot, he had expectations Ann would do the same, but that's not why. Was it because she herself, her presence, her auroa, her piercing eyes made him feel different? Bingo. Michael didn't want to think it had to be that, he wished he didn't feel like that at all. 'Damn, you only met her yesterday, there's nothing going on.' Michael thought to himself making him try to believe that's all. But Michael was never good at lying to himself. He sighed heavily, he noticed that he's been doing that a lot lately. He made himself get off his cozy bed, and began getting dressed to meet Ann. "Ann Roberts." Michael said out loud to himself, he liked the way he just rolled off his tongue so naturally. Michael had a feeling Ann was going to get him into some deep trouble.

- - -

Ann awoke the following the morning, and she realized what today was. She felt herself dying of nervousness... but why exactly she had no answer to. Just thinking she met Michael and he agreed to eat brunch and talk about his interview made her stomach flutter with butterflies. Crap. She's getting too excited about this. 'Stop it Ann, it's just a job.' But she couldn't make herself convince that. 'Michael doesn't like you, he never will. He hates you for your job and he just despises you.' She convinced herself that much. She knew Michael will never go for her ever, that he was just doing this because she made him and doesn't think more of it. She took a deep breath, and got herslef up to change in casual outwear. Ann had a feeling Michael was going to get her into some deep trouble.

- - -


Both Michael and Ann rushed to the cafe, not realizing they were running late on time. 'Oh my god what if Michael left and he hates me for even making him agree to do this' Ann thought to herself while she was busy pushing people out of her way grabbing tight her notebook and pencil. 'Oh my god what if Ann thinks I bailed on her to do the interview and she'll hate me for sure' Michael thought to himself pushing people out of his way in a disguise so no one will recognize him. Michael and Ann were so much in thought they didn't realize they bumped into someone hard and fell. "Hey watch where you're- Mr. Jackson?" Ann rubbed her eyes to make sure it was him. "In the flesh." He replied smirking, postioning his black avaitor sunglasses correctly in his eyes. Ann was blushing, something about his smile had her mezmorized. Then again, who wouldn't be mezmorized to meet the King Of Pop? "Mr Jackson I'm so sorry I bumped into you..." He stopped her, "It's okay, Ann, it was my fault as much as yours. And please, call me Michael." Her heart fluttered, she couldn't speak anymore. "Hey, move out of the way you love birds!" Some rude man said walking away, it was true though, they were in the middle of the side walk in a very busy New York's day causing traffic with their bodies. They both flushed bright red, Michael standing up first and offering his hand to pick her up. "Thanks" She muttered, pulling a smile, before fake coughing and telling him they should get a move on. Michael simply nodded, not wanting to do the interview anymore, just hang out with Ann. 

Upon arriving to the cafe, they both chose a booth at the very back of the cafe so they could privacy when Ann would ask questions to Michael. They both just sat down awkwardly, not knowing what to say to each other next. "Erm... lovely weather, huh?" Michael said, smiling a bit. "Um, yeah." Oh god why did she just say that? Michael will surely think she doesn't want to speak to him. More awkward silence. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Can we get down to business?" Michael nodded a bit, unsure he should be doing this in the first place.

"Okay then..." Ann said pulling out her notebook flipping the pages to a blank sheet and took out her pencil.

"Mr. Jack- I mean Michael, what exactly caused you to flip out on the entire press room last night?"

Michael shrugged, "I got mad. The media's been saying so much shit about me I couldn't handle it."

"So you think everything they say are false?"

"I know everything they're saying is false, Ann."

"How can I believe what you're saying is true? You could be lying to me to hide the actual truth."

"Because it is! I do not lie, everything the media had been saying is false! All those accusations! FALSE! I don't care if you don't believe me, I know what I say is the truth!" Michael practically began screaming at her, he was just so tired of people believing he's a liar and a wacko.

Ann was silent, looked a bit scared actually. Michael felt horrible all of the sudden. 

"I'm sorry..." Ann mutered, not being able to look at Michal striaght in the eye.

"No, I apologize, I overreacted. I just... I wish things were different, you know? Like sometimes, I wish I wasn't this, King Of Pop, I wish I didn't have to be famous, and live a normal life. I wish my childhood wasn't taken away from me, I wish people would stop calling me names, I wish people would stop thinking horrible things about me, I wish I wasn't... any of that." Michael whispered, his eyes were already about to spill tears, he tried holding it in and was glad Ann couldn't see him, his sunglasses protecting him from her view. 

 And then he felt a small hand reach out to his, and he didn't pull away. A few tears spilled running down his cheeks, and Ann was tearing up herself looking at Michael. He felt so broken, he wished he wasn't who he was, but he doesn't realize he's important to this world. He made such a huge difference to everyone in the world, just being him. But he doesn't see that half the time. 

"You're strong, Michael. Don't ever let anyone let you down, you're better then all those people. You have to believe that." Ann said looking into his eyes, but she couldn't see him that much due to his sunglasses blocking his beautiful eyes. 

With Michael's spare hand he wiped the tears from his cheeks, he felt like a few of the things that made him so tense lift off his shoulders venting to Ann. He felt a connection when she touch him, it was an indescribable feeling. And he liked it.

Did Ann really believe he was strong? He was comtemplating, but seeing her upset that Michael was crying he felt that she did.

"Hey... you didn't write anything on your notebook." Michael said, giggling a little to light the mood. 

Ann pulled away from his hand, he face blushing a bit, "Sorry."

"Don't be. Thanks for hearing me out, Ann. It means a lot." 

Ann smiled, she too was building a feeling with Michael that she couldn't contain. It felt right to be here with him. And she wanted to be there for him for a long time.

"You're welcome, Michael."

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