Chapter 12

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Helllooo, back for chapter 12! :) 

Not much annoucements today, just only that I hope you're still enjoying this story and She's Not Afraid, I reallly love the plot I'm setting up for it ahah.

Btw  might not be updating this for another 2-5 weeks, I'm going to be extremely busy because I need my voltuneering hours done by the last month of April, and so far I've done 0 hours. ): I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY. But I'll most likely will be updating SNA though (at least I will try my best).

So with that, I hope you like this chapter, one of my faves writing idk. ;3

Okay, that's all. 

-Melissa xx


"Michael?" The soft voice that's come to haunt Michael's dreams spoke to him again.

This couldn't be possible.

How... how did Ann even get inside his apartment?

Of course, his secretary. He made a mental note to find her later, right now he had to deal with Ann.

Ann. The girl that caused butterflies to his stomach. The girl who just heard Michael pourhis heart out into the song. It didn't even have a name yet! Michael figured he could call it This Is It... who knows.

"Michael?" Again, for the third time Ann's called for him and no reply. Ann was getting worried.

"Hmm? Hey, Ann."

"Hey..." Ann was fidgeting standing up. She wanted Michael to explain himself, was he feeling something she felt but can't express directly too? Or maybe Ann was wrong the song was about her and that made her heart sink a little. Michael had to explain.

"Talk to me please" Ann begged, she couldn't take one more silent stare from Michael.

The pain in her chest wasn't going away.

Michael took a long sigh before speaking, "The erm... song I mean what did you just see?"

"I heard the whole song."

Michael gulped, "Oh uh... that's great I guess."

"Anyone special you had in mind?"

"Yes I mean no! Not at all!"

Ann raised her eyebrow, if this situation didn't have a teary Michael in it she would have laughed at how defensive he was being. She bit her tongue.

"You... sure?"

"I'm sure."



"Surely surely sure?"

"Surely surely sure."

"100000% surely surely surely sure?"

"Ann!" Michael whined his face brightening up, the tears gone now.

Ann smiled wide, she'll let it go for now, she was just glad she made Michael smile again.

"Okay, okay. I believe you Mikey."

"I'm going to tickle you" Michael warned, standing up from the piano seat and bent his knees in as if he was actually going to pounce Ann."

"You wouldn't dare."

With that, Ann doubted and boy was she wrong. Michael jumped on her like she was the last piece of cookie in the jar, and grabbed her pushing her unto the couch and giving her an intense ticking war.

Ann couldn't stop laughing, tears were brimming her eyes by the time she got Michael to stop and let her attack him.

By the end of the hour, both Ann and Michael were a mess of giggles, and currently Ann was on top of Michael straddling him from the waist with her legs, and pinning both his hands by the sides of his face. He was smiling brightly, even though he was losing to a girl.

"I win!"

"Not unless I have something to do with it!"

Hardly containing hia laughing fit, he easily managed to pull out of Ann's grasp and then flip them over; so now Michael was on top of Ann pinning her down.

"No fair!"

"It is fair, I was letting you win anyways."

Ann rolled her eyes and swatted Michael lightly in the arm, enough for him to take his weight off of her and sit normally while putting his arm around her shoulder.

Ann closed her eyes and sighed, leaning into Michael's chest because cuddling was something she wanted right now. 

"Do you want to watch a film?" He whispered softly, holding her a little tighter. Ann nodded, "Any movie would be great."

Michael quickly went and searched through his collection of movies, picking 'Lady and the Tramp' and inserting it into the dvd player before sitting down next to Ann again. 

Once the movie started, Ann was really into the movie. She hasn't watched Lady and the Tramp since she was six years old, and this movie was beginning back all the good memmories of her childhood.

After a while, she felt like someone was staring at her, so when Ann turned around she realized it was Michael.

Michael chuckled lightly, "You're so into the movie."

"Yeah, I really love this movie."

"Me too... you're very beautful when you're concentrated on something." Michael said, not leaving his eyes from hers.

Too say Ann blushed is an understatement. She turned 50 shades of red most likely.

 And that's when she realized what Michael was doing.

He was leaning toward her.

He was leaning toward her.

Ann was alarmed, was he going to...?

Of course he was.

'Stop thinking!' Ann screamed to her thoughts, which were all jumbled all over the place because she couldn't concentrate right with Michael's lips centimeters away from hers.

So she found herself not think anymore and closing her eyes and lean.

Leaned until she felt a pair of lips on her own. 

The kiss was a blissful feeling for the two of them. Ann's heart fluttered while Michael's stomach was doing backflips all around. Just seconds into the kiss that she finally decided to move her lips in sync with his. Michael held her firmly by the waist, while Ann was clumping Michael's curls onto her palms to get them closer if that was even possible.

They kept at it until both needed air, gasping slightly at the loss of touch and feeling.

Michael pulled her into his arms, bear hugging her putting his head on top of hers.

Ann hugged him tight, and rested her head on his chest.

Ann Roberts just kissed Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson just kissed Ann Roberts. And they both loved it.

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