Chapter 9

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Hello, back again haha. :3

Extra info about this chapter at the very end. 

Dedicated to: All of you guys, love you. xxx


 "What are you doing looking at that?!" 

Ann froze stiff, she did not see Michael come out of the bathroom.

She cursed herself out in her thoughts, knowing what she was looking at was private information in her hands.

"Oh Mike... it's I-"

"Can you please put it back on the table?" 

Michael's tone softened and calmed down.

Ann sighed a bit in relief he wasn't screaming at her and placed the paper gently down in its original spot.

There was an awkward moment of silence between them.

Ann finally broke it, "I'm sorry."

It was barley an audible whisper.

"It's okay..."

"You- you have the right to know anyways."

Ann waited calmly for him to explain, that's when Michael sighed deeply and motioned to her to sit down next to him on the couch.

"I- I'm suffering from skin disorder in my skin. I'm sure you think I bleached my skin and such, but you don't know the real truth. Not a lot of people do. Those documents are all the recent reports I've got back from my health." Michael spoke softly, not daring to look into Ann's eyes. In a way he felt embarassed he was cursed with such a skin disease, Vitiligo is what most people call it. Michael didn't dare talk about being diagnosed with Lupus, he was already saying to much with just the previous factor stated. 

What Ann had picked up was not at all the medical reports, but a letter that did look a lot like a medical document, riduculing Michael and the color of his skin. Hell, almost all the papers scattered in the table were horrible letters given to him along with actual medical reports and even that draft of Butterflies Michael wrote not too long ago about Ann, but she didn't even see it even though it was right below the letter she picked up.

"I'm sorry." Ann says again, looking down at her fingers. She didn't know Michael got this type of abuse, this was a whole new level of disgusting.

Michael managed a small smile, "It's alright Ann, it's not like you're the one sending my such things on something I can honestly not control."

Ann didn't look up at him for a moment.

She was lost in thought.

"Hey," Michael spoke to her softly again, making her snap out of her thoughts for a second to see Michael's big brown eyes, "Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

Tears spilled out of her eyes and fell into her cheeks, Ann thought she probably looked horrid at the moment but she didn't care. 

She just cried.

Cried because she has to deal with a stupid life.

Cried because she's hurting.

Cried because of the amounts of abuse her job is to her.

Cried because of bitter guilt eating her up.

Cried because most of all, she was hurting Michael. Of course he knew none of this, and she planned on keeping it that way. She wished she met him differently, not like now. And all that guilt is torturing her every passing day.

Michael sensed her shaking uncontrollably, she totally blanked out of reality.

He quickly held her and hugged her tight, not really knowing why she was at the state she was now when it should be himself freaking out. But either way he hugged her.

Ann didn't know what she was doing with herself anymore, but just as she was hugging Michael, she opened her blurry eyes, and saw from Michael's shoulder the letters. Carefully, without letting Michael see her, she grabbed the hate letters, and stuffed them ever so carefully into her bag. 

She was going to show Julius the letters.

It was her job.


Okay, so I know what you're all probably thinking...

Probably a 'wtf'  type of reaction pretty postive.

Well... yeah. Sometimes you believe things will be all cute and romantic, when in reality it's just the opposite. 

I was actually quite shocked myself when I wrote this chapter, but I let my fingers do the typing and see where it got me and that's what you got.

Everything will make sense maybe or maybe not in the future I hope, it's not the end just yet.

don't have many announcements to make except that this chapter is somewhat historically inaccurate. What Michael did say about his medical conditions is true (I assume you guys know that already since you're Moonwalkers like I am), according to his medical history and him speaking full out about it, but of course who he's telling is completely fictional just for the story.

Obviously this story is fictional with bits of historical facts in it, so yeah.

I hoped you guys liked this chapter though I left you guys probably shocked out of your minds...

Please comment and vote!

Hasta la vista until next week. x

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