Chapter 8

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asdfghjkl guys guess what? 

If you search up 'Michael Jackson' my story is there on the first page the 11th down! :D

I know it may not seem like it's anything big for you, but to me it means I've accomplished something big and it's worth celebrating with this new chapter. (:

Keep voting, commenting and reading!

Dedicated to: Lydia_Decourcy!

One thing, I've decided I'll be updating every five days or weekly, I don't think I'll exceed more from there so I can take care of things I have to do outside the internet and still be able to update haha.

OHH another thing, I have ideas for my next story! Lol, but I'm not going to start writing it until I finish this one. You'll just have to wait, and I really plan on sticking to a certain idea already. I think I won't be done with this one for quite a while, so be patient.

Okay, I'll stop now and let you read. x


 Michael felt butterflies in his stomach every time he was with Ann, even if they weren't near each other just the thought of her made Michael smile and blush deep red. He was falling for her. Real hard.

Usually when Michael was in these moods he'd grab some paper and a pen and beginning writing. If it was an essay, a poem, or even song lyrics. That's exactly what he did.

Quickly fumbling to obtain the materials needed, Michael sat himself down on his small couch putting one leg on top of the other and thought.

All his thoughts and emotions were spilling into the paper, and he's come up with these lyrics in the process:


I just wanna touch and kiss

And I wish that I could be with you tonight

You give me butterflies inside, inside and I

All I gotta say is that I must be dreaming, can't be real

You're not here with me, still I can feel you near to me

I caress you, let you taste us, just so blissful listen

I would give you anything baby, just make my dreams come true

Oh baby you give me butterflies


Michael hummed the lyrics he wrote, trying to find the right melody for it, scratching off some words and replacing them with better ones.

He smiled, he loved his master piece even though it was far from finished yet.

He heard a knock from his door, quickly standing up and turning the papers over to go answer the door. 

Michael's breath hitched when he saw who it was.


Her smile was perfect in every way, and Michael loved every single feature from her.

He recollected himself from surprise, to excited and pulled her into a hug.

Ann hugged him back, loving his cologone scent.

They both stayed like that for a while, before the realized and pulled away reluctantly.

"How are you, Mike?"

Michael chuckled, "Mike?"

"Yessss, Mike, I want to give you a new nickname."

"But not Mike! Something else, something about Mike doesn't sound right."

Ann laughed at Michael's childness, "Okay... how about Mikey?"

"My mom used to call me that all the time when I was younger."

"Perfect! Mikey it is."





They both kept at it until their laughter overpowered their voices.

After a while Michael excused himself to go into the restroom, Ann just sat herself down and thought of what happened at her job literally not even half and hour ago.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GOT NO MORE ON JACKSON?" Julius roared throwing things around in his office.

He just saw the interview video of Michael and her talking about the Dangerous album release, but Julius hated every single minute of it because it did nothing to 'burn' Michael.

"I'm sorry..." Ann whispered, she's never seen Julius so angered about anything.


Ann snapped.

She couldn't let Julius say such things about Michael anymore.

It was her turn to defend.

"Stop it! You're making a huge deal out of nothing Julius! Michael is not a bad guy! Why can't you see that? And the interview is great, I personally think it is."

Julius looked at her coldly, and laughed cruelly.

"Oh... silly Roberts. So you got feelings for this man now, eh? I see why you didn't give me anything else but this worthless video."


"Save it, Roberts! I've had enough of your stupidity. I'm giving you until next week, and if you don't have anything valuable that will crush Jackson's career YOU WILL BE FIRED. Do I make myself clear? And get this, if you do get fired know you'll have nowhere to go, and I'll call every business out there making sure they won't hire someone like YOU. Again, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"

Ann fought her tears down. 

She nodded, defeated.

Once out of that building she let her tears run, she hated Julius. 

She hated her life.

Ann dried her tears before arriving to Michael's apartment, and here she was now present times.

She shivered at the cold memories, and looked forward to see Michael hasn't gone out of the bathroom yet.

She sighed and then looked down at the coffee table.

She turned her head sideways to see a bunch of papers scattered all over the table, so she collected them all in her petite hands and decided to organize them neatly for him in a stack.

That was until she saw one paper that caught her eyes.

Ann picked it up from the pile, and identified it was Michael's handwriting in an instant.

She looked at his cursive writing, gasping at what the words said.

What she didn't see, was Michael coming out of the bathroom and looking at her reading his writing.

"What are you doing looking at that?!"


Ooop! Cliffhanger!

Tell me what you think that paper might of said! ;)

Btw, Michael in this story is based from the Dangerous era, so I know 'Butterflies' wasn't released until the HIStory era in the Invincible album, he's just writng bits of it now. Just letting you know so you're not confused. x

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