A Man With A Plan

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Peter's plan was good, let's hope it was good enough. We were almost back to Forks, Little Swan had clued Rose in and she was glad to be asked to help, she was taking it seriously and never repeated any of the plan out loud, she also later told us she had run scenarios of her and Emmett having sex to keep Edward out of her head and in the dark.

Well here we are outside Charlie's, it's showtime, I pulled up a little closer to the house than normal and ran swiftly, but at human pace to the passenger's side to help her out. 

"Are you feeling any better?" I enquired and she nodded keeping her head down and her hand over her mouth as if to stop herself being sick. Rose came out of the house at the sound of the escalade.

"Bella, Garrett you're back! Oh Bella sweetie you don't look too hot, are you okay?" she asked,

 "She started feeling sick on the last leg of our journey," I told Rose passing her across and Rose put her arm around her shoulder and led her to the house, saying, 

"Esme asked me to bring over a couple of casseroles for you and Charlie, I gave him his lunch and he's asleep in front of the television, he works way too hard!"

"Rose, can you stay? I'm going to run the washing over to the Cullen's, she in no state to be doing anything!" I asked and she gave me the thumbs up. 

"I'll be back in ten minutes, Rose will look after you till then, okay?" I said kissing the top of her head and she nodded once again. I waited till the door was shut before driving off. Phase one complete.


Well, that went off without a hitch, I sent out a text to commence phase two. They met me at the treaty line, I quickly changed into some of their old clothes and my scent was masked by the shifter odour of dog and fertile moist earth. Thank god, standing naked out in the open was most unnerving. We drove straight to Charlie's, on mass we headed for the door and Rose let everyone in saying, 

"Charlie's just woken up, he's in the lounge guys, I'll be upstairs with Bella if you need me she's feeling sick and lying down!". I slipped up the stairs before Charlie could see me and entered the attic via Charlie's room with Embry Call.

I could hear Sam Uley convincing Charlie to go to the rez with them, seeing as Bella was sick and Garrett would want to look after her instead of watching the game. He sweetened the pot saying

 "Emily's started a big cookout, you don't want to miss that Chief?" So he agreed and Rose went in saying 

"Don't worry Chief Swan, she's asleep now, I'll stay with her till Garrett gets back!"

They all left then and we settled in for the time being. The fact that this house was saturated in vampire and shifter scent was a blessing, two more would not be detected amongst the many fresh ones. Now we wait, Embry for Jake's appearance and me for Victoria's.


It's like a revolving door at this house, her father has left but that's okay, she's my target, poor sick soul! I laugh internally, I'll be putting her out of her misery soon. I was a little concerned when the blonde turned up but heard her tell the father she was going shopping with all the other women soon, so they won't be a problem. I'm covering the front of the house and Riley's around the back, everything's fine and all clear, but my gift is tingling as if something's not right. I'll just wait till he returns and they settle down alone and then we'll catch them unawares.


She's ruined my shopping trip, only three of us instead of five, I'm beginning to hate Bella. She was so much better fun when she was malleable and did what she was told, I was able to play with her whenever I wanted and she would never talk back. But now, god she's so opinionated, she seems to think she's important, her, a stupid human important, I don't think so.

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