Confrontations & The Ring!

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I awoke the next morning to Garrett whispering in my ear, how much he loved me, needed me and now wanted me, a very pleasant experience I must say. I realised he was still firmly encased in my body and must have been all night, wow, there's dedication for you. I slowly rotated my hips while clenching my inner muscles, this gave a new meaning to pelvic floor exercises, it didn't take long for both of us to be ensnared by the passion we had for each other and once more I was flying through my own personal high. Nothing could ruin this day, then I remembered school!

Still almost done only a few more weeks and this hell was over forever. I sent Garrett up to the big house or I'd never get out of here and he wanted to talk to Jasper anyway, about my shield and doing some serious work on it, as Jasper had plenty knowledge of handling gifted vampires, one gifted human should be no problem for him. I was all ready to go when I realised I would be alone today as the sun was shining, Alice texted saying they would be there for lunch as the sun would be gone then. I felt the tension right away as I jumped from the cab of our new baby, called 'Beauty', an in-joke as 'Thing' had been the Beast. I smiled to everyone and headed for homeroom,

"Well, Bella! Who'd you have to sleep with to get the new 4x4?" Lauren spat at me,

"What Lauren! Are you such a lousy lay that guys don't buy you anything?" I snarked back at her dropping into a seat beside Angie.

"God, will they never grow up?" I asked her quietly and she shrugged, shaking her head no!

That at least shut her up until lunch, I think she thought because I was no longer dating Edward that they would not be my friends or defend me. Not that I really needed them to, I was no longer the sad pathetic Bella who started here last year. I was in the lunch queue for her next attack and she obviously didn't realise the Cullens were back,

"So Bella! Who are you sleeping with now? First Edward, then Jake, is it still what's his name? Of course, you would have had to move on since Jake went and killed himself! Probably to get away from you! So who's turn is it now? Hey Mike the way she's getting through them, you might stand a chance, yet!" she yelled loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear,

They collectively held their breath and rumbles of disgust went round the room. Jess was sniggering beside her until she saw Edward and Alice coming up behind Lauren and she hurriedly sat down,

"Listen to me, you bleached blonde bimbo! I don't give a rat's arse what you say or think about me! I can see at least fifteen of you conquests in this room alone, but funnily you're single once again! You really must be shit in bed cause they never come back for a repeat do they, Lauren?" I said in a cool disdainful voice as I turned to walk away.

"Oh, and boys, if I were you guys I'd be making a trip to the free clinic! Just to be on the safe side, you know!"

I said sitting down at our table and Lauren just stood there as everyone burst into applause. She was livid and I saw her coming at me hand raised when Angie and Alice stepped in front of her.

"Enough Miss Mallory! My office now!" the headmaster's voice rang out.

The rest of the day was quiet and rumours that Lauren had been suspended for the callous remarks about Jake, a couple of the catering staff who heard her were from the rez and they were infuriated. I was beyond glad when the final bell rang and headed out when I heard Mike

"So Bella when is it my turn?" he asked cockily as he swaggered over to me, well I think that's what he was trying to do.

"When hell freezes over Mike, Do I look like I would take Lauren's sloppy seconds?" I replied but kept walking out the door.

He Wants, She Wants, What Do I Want? ('We Can't' Series Pt 3)Where stories live. Discover now