Grab Life With Both Hands

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Jasper, or should I say the Major is taking this time to interrogate his mate and he is finding her to actually be cold, heartless and beyond greedy, all that and she hasn't been on the animal diet, he has plans for her, a reintroduction to the ways of real vampire mating and she's looking terrified, if he bites her she knows her lifestyle is over, permanently. She will become the one thing she never wanted to be, the good little wife and mate, doing her dominant mates bidding.

I can't believe her whole attitude, I thought we had been friends before they left me! Turns out she need a toy to play with and it was me! But if she could do that to her mate and family, then I was just a fly in her ointment. I really am having a hard time reconciling what I thought happened before to what actually did, I was taken for a first-class fool! My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to see my father's name, 

"Hi Dad, how'd the game go? Sorry, I was sick when I got back, junk food you know!" I say and I hear the barely restrained tears in his voice, 

"Bells honey, I'll be late back, there's been a tragic accident at the rez," he says and I gasp, that was quick.

"Jake was working on his car, it fell off its jacks and crushed him, ruptured his heart, he would have died instantaneously!" my father says and he barely holds the sob that's trying to escape.

 "Oh Dad, how's Billy coping? Stay with him as long as he needs you, okay! Dad, Esme says I can stay here for as long as you're at the rez, so I'm not alone and you don't need to worry" I reply and I am once again crying for the father and not the son.

The vampires all agree that was a good cover story and he will be cremated, as is their tradition so all evidence will be wiped away. For a moment I find it all a little callous, then I realise the ages of the people surrounding me, they have seen death many times and I am only eighteen, that's just a nanosecond in the grand scale of time. 

"Are you alright Little Swan?" Garrett asks and I nod 

"My tears are for his father, not for him!" I inform them all.

"So before I take my mate away for some intense trainin'! Any other business we need to address? Jasper asked as  Alice whimpers and Edward clears his throat, 

"If I'm to go back on a human diet! Bella can't be around the house, I struggle as it is with her being my singer! but if she's my food source as well! he says and I shudder at this, 

"No problem Major, I'll stay at Bella's place with her or the Cottage! Can you handle that Edward?" Garrett says and Edward nods relieved.

"Oh Edward, before you were all set to take on the world as a soldier! What did you want to do? I mean what were you going to be?" I ask randomly,

"I... Well... I don't know! Why?" he mutters, 

"It's not important, but think about it please!" I tell him. 

He looks perplexed but nods slowly. Everyone is still buzzing about what happened and I was right Emmett was a little hurt, that we didn't ask him to help. 

"Sorry Emmett, but this needed a woman's touch, no one would have fallen for you taking food to Charlie or babysitting me while I was sick!" I remind him and he nods feeling better.


Rose tells Emmett she want to get Garrett to teach them to hunt and she also wants to get a place of their own, like Bella and Garrett and Peter and Charlotte. 

"It doesn't have to be a ranch or anything like that! Maybe a base to start a business from, what do you think?" she enquires and he nods enthusiastically, 

He Wants, She Wants, What Do I Want? ('We Can't' Series Pt 3)Where stories live. Discover now