Time To Take Stock

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Strangely it was fun, they didn't swamp me but had food and snuck in champagne, which we all had, I put orange juice in mine to take away the bitter taste. First was my hair, Rose removed any dead ends and lightly layered it for me, I loved it, the layers seemed to give it a little bounce. Next was the waxing and plucking section, I refused to have it all off, saying he was very happy with the way it looked now so a trim and tidy yes, but no Brazilians for me, thanks.

So they set to and did my legs and bikini line, while Charlotte plucked my eyebrows. Esme gave me a facial, saying I didn't really need it because I had flawless skin. Rose and Char did my nails, both hands and feet. When they were done I felt like a model, they didn't plaster me in unnecessary makeup like Alice always did. I asked them why she had done that, Rose said she was jealous because I had perfect skin and she didn't.

"But! Edward never stopped her, I thought he liked it? Why would he let her humiliate me like that?" I demanded, they shrugged and then I heard him

"I'm sorry! It made you less beautiful, so I thought it would stop other men wanting you, but it didn't! I really am sorry Bella"

now I could hear Garrett growling at Edward and I didn't try to stop him, next thing we saw was Edward flying past the bedroom window. We all stared, then burst out laughing, now that was funny. Next came the clothes and I was dreading it! But was pleasantly surprised when it was jeans and an off the shoulder top. Charlotte was holding up a strapless bra saying

"You won't need this once you're changed, hell you don't actually need it now, but I thought you would prefer to wear it" I nodded,

not yet totally comfortable with my body. It seemed silly to be all dressed up and not going anywhere, but I was happy I looked good. There was a knock at the door and Charlotte giggled, what were they up to? I was speechless when Rose opened the door and Garrett stood there, he was also dressed casually but smarter than normal with his hair pulled back. I blushed as he winked at me saying

"If you would allow me, Little Swan, I'd like to take you on a date?"


She gasped and said yes, that she'd never been asked on a proper date before. Forced into them yes, blackmailed too, but I was the first to ask her on a date, actually giving her the choice. I was beaming at Little Swan now,

"I'm glad angel! that you waited for me" and she swooned a little, she's so perfect.

The other women all sighed in unison, as their mates groaned, ha! they better step up their game now. It wasn't earth-shattering, but it was perfect for us, we went to Port Angeles, took in a movie, making out in the back row all through it. Then for a walk along the beach, her munching on French fries from the takeaway, I was telling Bella tales from my nomad days and then we plopped down and watched the sunset side by side.

We held hands and shared little kisses as we walked back to the car, just like all the other lovers out tonight. Being a vampire didn't mean you couldn't be normal, I never understood the Cullens they wanted to be human, but never actually behaved like any I'd ever met.

"You look so beautiful Little Swan, I didn't think I could love you more, but you have taken my breath away and made me fall deeper in love with you, I want to change you soon angel, so we can start our eternity together!" I said dropping to one knee,

"Isabella Marie Swan, will you marry me?"


I was stunned, could he be more romantic, tears were running down my cheeks, tears of happiness and I answered him with a simple

"Yes!" He scooped me up and swung us round and round,

"Thank you, Little Swan, for making me the happiest vampire in the world, I love you, my angel!" I laughed out loud, as hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry I jumped the gun angel, I don't have a ring yet, but I couldn't wait another day!" he murmured against my hair and I smiled up at him,

"We'll pick it together baby, okay?" I said happily,

I loved that he was spontaneous and random, not controlled and calculating like Edward and Alice were, this was how it should be. I was so happy, nothing could bring me down, this was my cloud nine and I'm staying here. We decided to go to Seattle in a couple of days, get a ring and check the government archives for information, we still didn't know his surname, but we were getting closer. Turns out Garrett was a more common name back then than we realised, I'm determined, though, for his sake to get an answer for him.

Maybe Rose and Emmett could come too and get their first hunting lesson from Garrett, they could do that while I wade through the records dept. Plus I want to spend some time with Rose too, Alice really put the kibosh on our getting to know each other before, from what Rose had said she was telling some tall tales when I wasn't there.

Speaking of Alice I wonder how she's enjoying being the little woman, serves her right, Jasper would never have treated her badly before, but now she deserves all she gets and she appears to be getting the Major... What am I thinking about her for, when I've got this sexy hunk of a man by my side.


When Edward asked me to go hunting with him I readily agreed, now he and Bella are no longer an Item he seems a bit more relaxed, but he was just as shocked with Bella's and then Alice's revelations as I was and seeing the Major for the first time was also an eye-opener. So we're on the hunt for bear or big cats and ignoring the deer etc just as Jasper asked. Luckily he smelt the mountain lion, as I heard the bear so we shot off in different directions, arranging to meet back here when we were done.

I was curious regarding what he wanted to talk about, as I know Edward this is not just a hunting trip. I was back first and settled down to wait, he was only another five minutes and I smiled warmly as he reappeared. We did have a special bond, if only I had not been so lenient with him, things might have been so different.

"Carlisle did you know I never wanted to join the army? That was my father's plan, not mine!" he blurted out.

"No son, I was not aware of that, you're mother talked about you being a soldier and made no mention of anything else" I replied.

He then told me what he remembered since Bella asked him what he wanted to be, well when he grew up. I was shocked at first, but then it made perfect sense, no wonder he was so rigid in his stance on sex. The poor boy couldn't remember why it was a mortal sin when he woke to this life, only for him that it was. What did he do now was the question, could he fulfil his dream, was it possible, ethical, even feasible? Maybe he needed to talk to Marcus about this, he is a much more learned man than I. So I suggested he speak to Jasper and then call Marcus. As we readied ourselves to return to the house, I hugged him and said:

"You'll find a way son, you know the saying, 'God works in mysterious ways' that's never been more apt than it is now!"


"Jasper, sorry Major! I've just had a strange vision, I saw Bella and Garrett getting married and Edward was officiating, he doesn't have a licence! Why would he be doing that? It almost looked like a church too, very strange!" I explained to my mate.

Yes he really was my mate, I just didn't want him in charge of our relationship, but I should have known fate would defeat me she always does, but I never heeded the warnings. I knew he was devastated by what I'd done and that was why the Major was still here, Jasper couldn't cope with me, his emotions and the ramifications of my actions. Did I love him? I don't know, what is love? Nobody ever told me or loved me even, so how would I know? I couldn't be without him, I know that, but is that a mate thing?

God, it's so complicated, this is what I wanted to avoid, why does everything have to be so messy? I know he's going to bite and mark me soon, will that help or change how I feel? I hate this emotional stuff, ironic isn't it? that, my mate, is an empath. I used to just feed him a cocktail of the emotions he expected and let him sort it out, but now I... I'm afraid. What if I don't feel anything for him but the loyalty of a mate, can he accept that, would it be enough, would we be miserable? God, why can't I see the future, for this? Why can't I be normal?

He Wants, She Wants, What Do I Want? ('We Can't' Series Pt 3)Where stories live. Discover now