There's Graduation & Graduation!

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Charlie was healing nicely and would only have an arm brace on for the wedding, so that was something. I had calmed down a lot in the last two weeks, all my exams were over and I knew I'd done well, mostly thanks to Garrett, my rock, my anchor in the storm that was my life. I had asked Angela and Ben to the wedding, Angie was going to be my bridesmaid, I had thought long and hard about it and she was the perfect choice.

Peter would be Garrett's best man, dangerous as that sounds, but he was thrilled. Everything was in place thanks to both Garrett and Rose. I only had my graduation ceremony to go and then high school was over forever and I would never be repeating it, that had to have been the stupidest torture they had ever devised for themselves. Renee and Phil were coming for the ceremony and staying for the wedding, she was not pleased at first and tried to tell me I could not do it. So I told her straight away,

"That's fine Renee! If you don't want to be at your only daughters only wedding, that's up to you but it's happening with or without you! The choice is yours!"

She caved immediately, just looking at me then nodding her head, realising, at last, I was my own woman and nobody was going to be telling me what to do, well nobody but Garrett, not that he ever did, all our decisions were made together and never once had he disregarded any of my plans or thoughts. We always hashed them out till we came to a compromise that we both agreed on. We never argued, debated strongly yes but no harsh words were uttered, he couldn't be more perfect for me, I was so happy and couldn't wait to be Mrs Garrett Winslow.

Rose and Emmett were staying in Seattle, so she offered to organise everything at that end and even went with Angie and I when I picked my dress, unlike Alice she offered an opinion but never tried to make us pick what she wanted, Rose was turning out to be a real friend and I had tentatively asked if they would be with us for my change after the honeymoon, she was overjoyed and said they would love too. Everybody's plans were changed, none of what they had set up was ever going to come to fruition.

When I'd eventually calmed down Rose had told me what happened at the family meeting, the night of the dream walk and how they were no longer Cullens...

(Memory of the meeting) Rose telling Bella

"Em and I had just returned from hunting in Sequim, as we ran past the cottage that You and Garrett had shared, but Esme came out of the door.

"I'm staying here until everything is discussed! Then I've no idea" she told us sadly,

so the three of us headed for the main house to await Jasper and Alice's return, Edward was in his room and Carlisle his study by the sounds of it. We walked into the dining room and sat at our ten setting oval table, but not our usual places, Esme sat between me and Emmett, that was very telling, lines were already being drawn. Esme's phone suddenly sounded with a text and she said, so the other two would hear her

"Five minutes till they arrive!" Edward flitted into the room then and sat opposite Esme and he leant over to grip her hand,

"You're making the right choice for you, don't be sad! For once put yourself first, not us, not him, but you!" he murmured and Em and I had nodded in complete agreement.

Jasper and Alice walked in at that and he took up his position at the head of the table, while Alice sat beside Edward in the space he'd left for her next to Jasper.

"Carlisle? If you please!" Jasper said quietly, but very firmly.

He arrived very slowly, but with his head held high, so he was resolved I thought, Jasper motioned for him to sit and he did, opposite Jasper as far from us all as possible, well as the table would allow!

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