Revelations & Recriminations!

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I can't believe he's done this! For once when the vision hits I pretend it was not happening, everything changed in that one moment of selfishness, the ripples are more like tidal waves, Esme may never forgive him this time. Edward glances over and I shake my head,

'He made his bed, Edward, whether he gets to lie in it is anyone's guess!' I say in his mind.

I know now that Bella has washed her hands of us, it may be years before she speaks to us again, well except for Rose and Emmett, that has become an unbreakable bond. I ask Jasper to take me to Seattle to hunt, I need to tell him what's happened and how all our plans have changed because Carlisle couldn't, no wouldn't even drink the bagged blood, the damn fool has in one move destroyed his family, possibly forever.


I'm so irate, once again this family has let me down and nearly cost me, dear. Everyone had made light of it, but if Charlie had been any closer I would have killed him, without a shadow of a doubt and that was untenable. As we packed up I told Garrett I only need to turn up for the exams and then my Graduation, after that we could leave. But no way were we going to Montana, I wanted to break all ties with them, except for Rose and Em and Peter and Char, these I could trust with my life and I have done.

Also, I would not be waiting for any length of time to be changed, so if he wanted the wedding first then after Graduation, we would go to Seattle and do it at City Hall with Charlie and Leah, Rose and Emmett and Peter and Charlotte and that's it. So I was leaving that in his hands while I did my exams, first though we were going to Port Angeles and would grab a motel room, for the last couple of weeks here in Washington.

"Okay, Little Swan, whatever you need angel that's what we'll do!" Garrett said hugging me to him,

god this man was amazing if I said we were going to hell I know he'd be right by my side. We can plan out future once we both calm down and come to terms with what has happened, so we packed up only what we'd arrived with, I took nothing that had belonged to the Cullens, Garrett had his own homes and money all over the world and he said we would want for nothing.


I was so livid but more than that I was feeling let down, betrayed even, God this wasn't even a tenth of how Bella must have felt today or a thousandth of how she felt when we all betrayed her. Why? What on earth was he thinking, not only that but he disregarded a direct order from Jasper? Well as soon as Jasper and Alice returned and we no doubt had a meeting then Emmett and I were leaving, I'll tell them it's a vacation, but really I doubt I'll ever come back.

"Emmett baby? Let's hunt!" I whispered in his ear,

I had to discuss this with him, even though I know he'll agree with whatever I decided, he was so dismayed about Carlisle. My phone buzzed then,

'Two rapists in Sequim, not locals, nobody will miss them! We'll be back in three hours, enjoy x'

Alice of course, she probably knew what I've decided too. Em and I took off right away and headed straight for Sequim, it was a lovely evening and under any other circumstances I'd be enjoying the run, but my mind was racing, I thought when we left we would head for Seattle, yes, get new documents and this time I'm going to be Rosalie McCarty! I no longer wanted to be a Cullen.

Once we reached Sequim Alice texted again to pinpoint them for us and we took care of them quickly. Emmett was very quiet the whole time and I knew how hurt he felt, it's a painful thing to see your role model and father fall from his pedestal. I slowed as we reached the boundary of the Cullen land, the time to discuss this had arrived.

He Wants, She Wants, What Do I Want? ('We Can't' Series Pt 3)Where stories live. Discover now