Blood Is Not Just Food

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I'm stunned, poor Jake, Christ, I didn't love him, but we were once friends. The funny boy I had known was gone forever, well his wolf had destroyed him before now, but... Oh god! Billy! at this thought, I really started to cry silent tears not for the son, but for the father who would have to bear the loss. Rose looked up at me now and I just said 

"Billy!" she nodded understanding, it's the ones left behind that pay the price for their loved one's folly.

We made our way back up into the house and I thanked Rose for being my protector through this, I knew if it had gone down differently today, she would have defended me to the end, she felt she owed me. I smiled saying 

"I count that as a debt paid Rose, thank you, my sister, you are a true friend" If she could have cried, she would have now, as she hugged me to her firmly. 

That was how the Cullen men found us on their return, tears of relief and suppressed joy that it was all over, on my face and Rose's eyes brimming with venom that would never fall.


I have no idea what has been going on, but I can see something has fundamentally changed within my Rosie, she seems more sure and aware of herself than she has ever done. This has to be Bella's doing, but what? We all turn to Edward and he shrugs 

"I can't hear her! That has to be because of Bella, she does it to Garrett all the time now!" he murmurs. Just then, Garrett, Peter and Charlotte rushed in and Garrett scoops Bella up as she's saying 

"It's good Emmy, Rose did something wonderful today!" God, she hasn't called me that since before we left her. 

"Rosie does something wonderful every day Bella, just by being my mate," I tell her and Rosie sobs and rushes into my arms.


Somethin' serious has happened today, that's obvious, again I look at Edward and he huffs 

"God damn it she's shielding them all now! What the hell Bella?" he says starin' at them all, in turn, then shrugs and drops down into a chair. 

"We have some stuff to discuss Jasper, I suggest you call the women back, as everyone needs to hear this!" Garrett tells me and I flinch, disturbin' Alice, when she's shoppin', is never a good thing.

"As her coven leader and mate, I suggest you make that an order Major!" Peter says to me smirkin', fucker! he knows she won't listen. I pull out my phone and speed dial her 

"What! You know I'm shopping! right Jazzy?" she blasts into the phone, 

"This is not a request Alice, it's an order! You all need to return, you have thirty minutes, I suggest you hurry!" I say, then hang up before she can refuse, now we wait and I pray she doesn't defy me for once. Carlisle's cell went off and he says the same thing 

"Yes, come home now! Jasper's orders!" then he hangs up, not willing to admit he knows nothing about what's gone on, just like me.


This would be beyond funny, if it wasn't so pathetic, he has no control over her and God alone knows what he'll do if she refuses to come back with the other two women. He needs to assert himself more, he needs to show her the 'Major' just once, that would pull her into line. But can he even summon the 'Major' anymore, I really don't know! Shit how the mighty have fallen! I'm slightly ashamed of my sire, he was always so strong and now this is a pale imitation of the vampire I once knew!


"I don't care, Alice, Carlisle says it's an order from Jasper and we're going! You might enjoy being able to defy your mate, but if this is a coven leader's order we have to go! Remember though if you show him up in front of everyone else you will have to be punished! A leader who can't control his mate will get no deference from the other members, are you prepared to shame him like that? Do you feel no respect for your mate?" I ask Alice as she stands defiantly with her hands on her hips.

He Wants, She Wants, What Do I Want? ('We Can't' Series Pt 3)Where stories live. Discover now