Chapter 27

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Sorry for the late updates!!!!! So sorry!!!!!!!xoxo

I walked towards my studio to find everyonr chowing down. "Hey! Save some for me!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I ran to save my about to be eaten food.

"Hey babe save mine too!" I heard, so I picked up my bag and Austin's along with our drinks. I walked back over to the side of the couch where Austin was leaning against it. I handed him his drink and bag of food. I then sat myself down on the floor crisscross applesauce. I took out my fries and dunked them into ketchup eating the salty goodness.

I felt someone's presence next to me. I looked to see Austin sitting down beside me. "I think this would be a good time to tell them."

I nodded,"After these fries." I said shoving a handful in my mouth. I heard him chuckle. I kissed him on the cheek and stood up.

I went over to the girls, "Hey can we talk alone?" They nodded and started walking toward the door.

I was about to walk past my food when I stopped bent down and looked at Austin, "I think I'll just take these to go. You know just in case I get hungry on the way to the door." he laughed.

"Oh and a few of these" I grabbed a couple ketchup packets and stuffed them in my pockets. I walked out a closed the door to the hallway where they wet waiting for me.

"So what's up?" Holly asked. I put a few fries in my mouth.

"Um, how's your relationships going?"

"Good." Madison responded Holly nodding. I nodded back and slid down the wall setting my fries on the floor and taking a ketchup packet out.

"Ok so what is this about?" Holly asked. I tried opening the ketchup packet where it said open here but it wouldn't work.

"Ok, so there is no easy way to say this because I don't know how your going to
react." I said still trying to open it. Oh my lord walrus will you open!!!!

"So, um here it goes." I took a deep breath and started it off.

"I have to move to Miami." I looked up to see blank faces.

"and I want you guys to come with me." When I finished the sentence they immediately turned into smiles.

"Oh my gosh really!" They said in unison jumping up and down. I nodded still trying to open the ketchup.

"Yup and we are leaving in 2 days so when we get home you need to start packing." I said shaking the packet.

"Alright!!!!!" They said. Well that's that. Now all we got to do is ask Carol.

I stood up picked up the fries and walked back into the room where laughter was being erupted.

"I walked over to Austin and handed him the ketchup packet, "Alright if you want to stay being my boyfriend you have to know how to open up these ketchup packets because these are literally my arch enemies." I said frustrated .

He laughed an easily opened the packet,"You have to be Flapjacking me! The whole time I was talking to the girls about moving to Miami-"

Alex interrupted, "Wait your moving to Miami?"

I held my hand to stop him, "Not important. As I was saying, I spent that while Flapjacking time trying to open that retarded ketchup packet!!" I said my hands flying in frustration.

A moment of silence passed before the guys bursts out laughing. "What!?" They still didn't say anything but I can make one of them.

"I swear to god Austin if you don't tell me-"

His laughter died down an he pulled me in his lap, "Its just so funny that you got mad at opening a simple ketchup packet. Wait you do know there's a tear here sign on there right?"

"Yes I know, it just doesn't work for me!" I yelled trying to get up from his lap on the floor but he of course didn't let me.

"Don't worry we'll work on it." he said kissing my cheek resting his head in my shoulder. I smiled, he is so cute. I'm glad I have him in my life. I just hope he doesn't leave me like everyone else.

We finished our lunch and had to go back to work. Which meant leaving Austin. Ugh, this sucks sometimes. But I really hope I can record that duet with him soon. Yup I was serious about that.

I finished recording and gathered my stuff. I walked out and to the front desk. "Bye!" I waved to the lady.

"Bye Hun!" I walked out the doors and saw Michele waiting.

"Hey do you want to ride with me?"

"Ummm.." I turned around and saw Austin leaning against his car on his phone.

"I think I'll just ride with Austin." I said smiling and pointing towards Austin. she nodded. I made my way over to him.

"Um excuse me could you perhaps give me a ride to umm... the Spitler residence?"

He looked up at me and smiled, " I sure can m'lady." he said opening the door for me. I laughed an got in. Its nice to have a 16 year old boyfriend who can drive. I can't wait till I'm 16. Just 23 more days left!!!

After Austin got in the car he started the car and we drove off.

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