Chapter 12

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As we entered the hotel and went to my room I settled all my bags as well as Austin on the floor. "Well I guess I'l see you in a couple hours."I said referring to the diner I'll be attending. "Yeah, I'll meet you at your door around 4:45. "Ok see you then." I smiled hugging him goodbye. OMG his hugs are the beeeesssttt! I watched walk out of my room and as soon as the door closed I immediately started to dig through my bags for my outfit tonight.

After digging through my bags and nearly destroying them I found it. I looked at the clock, 2:50. Shanks! I spent that long I better hurry. I took a quick shower shaving and washing my hair with my new products I bought at Bath and Body Works today. I wrapped a towel around my head and put on my undergarments and robe. I then washed my face and removed the towel from my hair I quickly blow dried it and combed it through. I applied concealer, mascara, eyeliner, and chap stick, the usual. I then went and put on my dress. The same one i got from the store with Austin and my black small pumps I got to match. I put on a matching necklace and put a black bow in my hair.. Satisfied I grabbed my phone and slid it in to my clutch.

Just then there was a knock on the door. I quickly went to get Michele's gift that I neatly wrapped and placed in a yellow gift bag and answered the door. There he was standing in front of the doorway. He was wearing a red v-neck, black jeans, and a black beanie with a gold chain around his neck. May I must say ZZZAAAAAYYYUUUMMMM!!!!

"You look beautiful" he said taking my hand and twirling it around. I giggled "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself" He smiled. "shall we?" he asid holding his arm out. "We shall,"I said imitating his bad accent. As we entered the elevator he asked "What's with the gift?" "Oh, it's a thank you for your mom, since she is paying for dinner. Cause your not going to let me pay for it and before you say anything it barely cost anything." He groaned, "You didn't have to." he said as we walked to the lobby.

We met Michele, "Hey guys! I heard about everyone else so looks like it'll just be us tonight!" I nodded, "Here's just a thank you for inviting me tonight." I said handing her the small gift. "Oh honey you didn't have to. Your so sweet thank you." I smiled, "Your welcome." "Well let's get going I hope you don't mind us walking it's not that far." I shook my head. "Alright" and we were heading out the door.


We were currently sitting at Sen'DElour, one of the finest restaurants in Texas. "So Jay how long are you staying in Texas?" I looked at her, "Actually  I live in Texas just not Austin, Texas. I live in San Antonio." "Oh my gosh, so do we! Actually that was our last show. We finally get a break." I nodded "That must be nice." I smiled.

After we ate our food we were just sitting there talking having a good time. "So, are you in a relationship Jay?" Austin looked up at me awaiting an answer. "Oh, um no. I didn't really date when I was a gymnast because I didn't really have anytime. I mean I barely had time for my homeschooling. But no and I don't know if I will date either." She nodded and Austin sighed. "Yeah, Austin isn't either he had a rough passed relationship." "Mom," he interrupted. "Oh it's fine you don't have to tell me." Austin looked at me "No it's fine I'll tell you. Before I was famous I knew this girl, Taylor. She was nice and I thought she really liked me. As time went on I was getting even more famous and she asked me out. I said yes and then I got signed at first I thought she really did support my dreams but, then after one of my concerts I went to go out to look for her because I planned a romantic dinner for us. I um, I found her kissing and making out with another guy. And turns out she's been cheating on me for 2 months so I broke up with her." he finished. "Austin I'm so sorry. You're a great guy from what I know of and any girl would be lucky to have you, they're stupid if they don't realize that." I said taking his hand and squeezing it. 

" Thanks."he smiled. we talked for another 15 minutes. "Well I should get going, I have something to do for his manager." Michele said standing up. "This was lovely maybe we can do it again." I stood up and hugged her. "Yes we should. Thanks again." "No problem see you soon?" I nodded, "Absolutely." As she left I turned back to Austin, who was now standing next me. 

"So, Austin I actually have a thank you gift for you too back at the hotel, so should we go?" He took my hand and walked out of the restaurant. He finally replied when we were walking down the side walk. "I thought I told you I don't want you spending your money on me?" I shrugged. "Well too bad I already threw away the receipt." I said sighing playfully. He just laughed.

As we entered my room I immediately took off my shoes. I love dressing up but beauty hurts. You know what I'm saying? I think you do. I went to my closet and got the big red gift box that had everything inside. Struggling, "Do you need any-" "Don't worry I got it." I replied quickly. 2 years later I eventually handed the box to Austin.

As he opened it a surprised look went on his face. "Jordan, you shouldn't have gotten me- Holy Shiznit!!!!! You got me the all red Adidas!!!!" he screamed. Oh, there goes my hearing again. He immediately stood up and hugged me really tight,."Austin.....can't,....breathe...." "Oh sorry,It's just that these shoes came out 3 days ago and they are the best shoes I ever gotten and they cost so much money and I can't believe I have them now I mean they are voted best shoes-" "AUSTIN! You know you could just say thank you?" I laughed. Even though he looked absolutely adorable when he rambled. He blushed "Thank you Jordan. But all I did was buy you a dress?"

"And bought me dinner you also helped me up when I tripped,......and nearly tripped. Plus, you are the nicest guy I've ever met and I don't want to loose you."I whispered the last part. And it was true. Almost every guy I tried to get close with they always hit on me and I hate that. "And you're the nicest and most beautiful girl I ever met and I don't want to loose you either." He said hugging me. I hugged him back inhaling his scent. I pulled away and smiled at him as he smiled back.

"Maybe do you want to watch a movie?" I nodded "Alright well I'm going to go get some clothes next door and you pick a movie?" "Yup. See ya in a few." 

When he left I changed into some black spandex a dark red sports bra and a black tank top. I then browsed through the channels. Still not finding anything I want to watch Austin walked in with blue basketball shorts and plain white t-shirt. "Ugh I can't find anything!!"he chuckled. "I'm sure I can." he smirked. 

We ended up watching a scary movie and as usual, I hate scary movies. Not even half way in I'm already hiding my face in Austin's chest. "How can you watch this?!" I asked. "It's just not scary to me."He laughed. Before I knew it I'm fast asleep.

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